need some help
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 1:25 am
I made very simple bootloader and kernel
Above is my kernel code
It is expect to print '$' out but it doesn't print out
What my boot load do is load kernel in 0x10000 and
jump to kernel
Everything is fine
I check in boch whether kernel loaded or not..
Kernel is loaded and run..
But It doesn't print out
Disassembled code also looks strange..
Can anyone tell me why?
ps. I didn't enter the protected mode..
Code: Select all
unsigned short *vidmem = (unsigned short*) 0xb8000;
vidmem[0] = '$' | 0x0700;
for (;;)
It is expect to print '$' out but it doesn't print out
What my boot load do is load kernel in 0x10000 and
jump to kernel
Everything is fine
I check in boch whether kernel loaded or not..
Kernel is loaded and run..
But It doesn't print out
Disassembled code also looks strange..
Code: Select all
00000200 55 push bp
00000201 8BEC mov bp,sp
00000203 51 push cx
00000204 C745FC0080 mov word [di-0x4],0x8000
00000209 0B00 or ax,[bx+si]
0000020B 8B45FC mov ax,[di-0x4]
0000020E 66C7002407EBFE mov dword [bx+si],0xfeeb0724
ps. I didn't enter the protected mode..