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unsigned short *vidmem = (unsigned short*) 0xb8000;
vidmem[0] = '$' | 0x0700;
for (;;)
Above is my kernel code
It is expect to print '$' out but it doesn't print out
What my boot load do is load kernel in 0x10000 and
jump to kernel
Everything is fine
I check in boch whether kernel loaded or not..
Kernel is loaded and run..
But It doesn't print out
Disassembled code also looks strange..
Johnnyd wrote:
How to compile c code to work on realmode?
You'll need a compiler that understands 16-bit real-mode with segmented addressing.
Most of the time it's far simpler to just write an assembly stub that switches to P-Mode and loads your kernel (Or use GRUB as your bootloader and avoid such hassles).
Once in P-Mode your compiler produced binaries should work fine.