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Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 6:40 am
by Solar
Re Silmarillion / LotR... I have read the LotR in both English (including Apendixes) and German. I got the Silmarillion in German, but didn't find it interesting enough to re-read it in English though.
Currently I'm reading "The Wheel of Time", #10, in English. Several Clancys are on my bookshelf, some Mercedes Lackey I lent from a friend. I got the Stroustrup in English, and Josuttis' book on the STL. Tanenbaum is on the bookshelf too.
I think I know my fair share of "strange" English words. Alas, woe for thee who live in ignorance.
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 6:58 am
by distantvoices
Well stuffed your book shelf looks like
But I wouldn't consider those words "strange" they are seldom used and sometimes even obsolete.
Tom Clancy in english is a must, as well as Stephen King. No comparison to the german translation for all the nice Jeux de mot english language is capable of are nearby untranslateable.
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 7:24 am
by Solar
beyond infinity wrote:
Well stuffed your book shelf looks like
I haven't even started. Perl, PHP, SQL, XML, SW design, Java, K&R, dragon book, Amiga Guru Book, five volumes on OS dev., plus 54 Perry Rhodan books and loads of various SF, fantasy, history, and thrillers.
Tom Clancy in english is a must...
I really liked the early ones. But I stopped reading his books after "Operation Rainbow". I really didn't like the attitude. If you know the book, you might realize what I mean. I like my heroes good and clean, sorry. well as Stephen King.
Never read more than a paragraph of him. Not my genre, and I don't like his writing style.
No comparison to the german translation for all the nice Jeux de mot english language is capable of are nearby untranslateable.
It's more the lack of good translators in recent years. You'd be surprised how well English prose can be translated; even Shakespeare or Tolkien don't lose much in the translation -
if the translator knows his stuff, and I got the feeling quality declined constantly since the 80ies.
I still claim Darth Vader is more creepy in German.
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 7:55 am
by Pype.Clicker
mr. xsism wrote:
Pype.Clicker wrote:
i'm really not the kind to go to the USA ... wherever else but *not there*. That country really scares me ... but that's another point ...
Why does it scare you pype?
Oh dear, i knew i shouldn't have written that ... i knew it ... well. Let's say this thread is sort of "General, Discussion, etc." and that the uber-coder-geeks we are def'nitely need to talk about something else than 1 and 0 and so we keep it here for now ...
The main reason why i'm scared about USA is not the people -- i have several verygoodfriends that live in the states, but an agglomerate of small things that make me believe this country is a sort of anticipation novel in the style of "1984".
Here in Belgium, i know that if i lose my job, i'll have money to help me for a sufficient time, so i won't lose my flat, etc. by the same way.
If i go for a trip in Japan (and i'm going next week -- not a joke -- see me on :p ), i know i'll be back ...
Reading what i've read on the states, that's a place i fear... knowing that you're given a gun when you open a bank account, etc. scares me. I just would not like to move there .. i think -- and that's an a priori -- i wouldn't be liking it ...
It's too much in opposition with things i believe in (like "money and fame are not really important -- money is just necessary and fame is just transitory")
I'm the type to mute the TV during the ads and not working in a bank because i couldn't stand to wear a tie everyday ... so USA is def'nitely not for me ... But that doesn't mean i would put every american on the moon, nor that it couldn't be a nice place for someone else.
"Know Yourself" said the oracle (and many latin/greek philosopha) ... I know myself enough to know i would do something like a coredump if i had to live in such a system ...
And seeing Gouvernator III elected in California just confirm that place is not for me ...
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 8:07 am
by Pype.Clicker
Solar wrote:
I still claim Darth Vader is more creepy in German.
Never heard it in german, but the French translation has more punch than the original english version ...
"Si seulement tu connaissais le Pouvoir du C?t? Obscur . . ."
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 8:08 am
by Solar
Pype.Clicker wrote:
I'm the type to mute the TV during the ads and not working in a bank because i couldn't stand to wear a tie everyday...
I wore a tie for a year, and am still stuck to suit and button shirt even while I no longer
have to wear a tie... and that's a bank
IT department. I feel your pain.
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 3:48 pm
by mr. xsism
not all americans...
are evil
are greedy
are murderers
are businessman
own guns
are rich
are self righteous
think the US is better than all other countries
watch TV
etc etc
aside from where you live or what country is scary, i'm glad i have osdev. I am glad i'm a geek. I am glad I live on the net. It's the only place where people won't judge you on where you are(unless they find out you're american).
nonetheless, i love you guys :'( lol
mr. xsism
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 5:35 pm
by Pype.Clicker
i must have failed in making myself clear.
I never told American people were anything of what you told... i just said what i've hear of the overall US "ambience" is not for me, the very same way Spain is not for me because it is too hot or that Tokyo is not for me because i wouldn't like to live in so crowded places ...
I see nothing wrong at you or anyone else to be American or Russian or Chinese or whatever ... I just wouldn't like to be your neighbour ... just because i feel i wouldn't feel happy in the country you live ...
It's not even about G.W.Bush or B.Gates or Schwarzy ... We have local people here that may be worse than this!
I don't like the "buybuybuy-society" nor the "we-rule-the-world", regardless of who say it, and the US tend to be one of the places where these things look to be most powerful.
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 9:22 pm
by mr. xsism
sorry, please excuse me pype. i didn't mean to say that you said that stuff, but others do.
Buy buy buy, yep. That is a fact. A sad fact of the US is its capitalist mentality. < i like that site.
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:25 am
by Solar
If you feel I said those things, you are mistaken... ???
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:57 pm
by unknown user
Pype.Clicker wrote:
unknown user wrote:
well, my company (a startup, i was one of the first members) is paying me for designing and developing a long-mode os for the amd opteron, which is what i'm doing now.
Woow. and can you name that company ?
JNet Computer Co.
we build custom computers and write software. it consists of less than 10 people currently, but we're trying to think of as many ideas as possible to make our "appearance" on the market.
i'm the main developer for most of the stuff, and i came up with most of the ideas, so i've got a pretty stable position currently. i don't know if i'd be allowed to hire online, however; i've so far only hired people i have met in person.
but that's enough information. you can see some of the projects at
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:39 pm
by darklife
mr. xsism wrote:
not all americans...
are evil
are greedy
are murderers
are businessman
own guns
are rich
are self righteous
think the US is better than all other countries
watch TV
etc etc
Funny thing, I live in the USA and I'm none of those. In fact, I live in Wisconsin, land of the cheese
I love it here. It's peaceful, people are nice and unless you live in a huge city (there are few) you won't have to worry about horrific crimes. There is a HUGE difference between what you see on TV and the actual way things are here. In fact, everything I see on TV looks like a big joke compared to real US life. Crime rates are much higher here, but do you ever hear about the good things here? Of cource not. It doesn't make for "good" TV ::) For every bad thing that happens here, there are many more good things to. It's not that much different feeling then where you all live, just a little overrated from media. And about that last one- "watch TV", who needs TV? A computer is all I will ever need (sortof).
Re:ph34r t3h d4rk s1d3
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:34 pm
by mr. xsism
ahh, didn't mean all americans are that way. This is a stupid subject, over opinionated, sry for bringing it up...
PCs are awesome. All the important things to make a healthy mind, uhm, sorta i think.
<!--- small censoring by Pype ... accept my deepest appologises for this --->
mr. xsism