Using SD cards with microcontrollers; where to find good inf
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:10 pm
I want to hook up an SD card to a BBC micro:bit. (It's a tiny ARM microcontroller.) Our wiki links this OpenLab Pro page which seems to have most of the info, but has a Valles Marineris size hole in the most crucial bit of info a hardware hacker needs: which pin is which? It gives perfectly good pinout tables for SD cards, and it has nicely-written descriptions on how to connect and use them, but uses completely different pin names for each of these things. The pinouts show the data lines as DAT0 to DAT3, the descriptions exclusively refer to MISO and MOSI. The descriptions talk about the CS (chip select) line, but there is no such acronym in the pinouts. Etc, etc. I could make some guesses, but would prefer not to risk my devices over such a terrible omission in a free tutorial.
If anyone knows a forum where I can ask about this sort of thing, I'd be grateful. Actual info on the topic would be nice too, if anyone here happens to know.
If anyone knows a forum where I can ask about this sort of thing, I'd be grateful. Actual info on the topic would be nice too, if anyone here happens to know.