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New Project
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:00 am
by crash_master25
Hi to all!!
I know that start a new os project is dificult, but I think that we have a lot OS but little diferences betwen them : Windows, Linux or OSX... then I was thinking, we can create a new OS in freepascal (because I like this), and asm.
The mos important is what we need in an OS, I think we can create a OS who excecute Linux app (all distro), windows app, and osx app, and others we can found.. LOL
We need that this OS was in graphical mode, but a completly new graphical mode, i mean when we use windows, and then use linux, is so similar, but when we use OSX is new, easy to use, fresh... that's what i want... thinks to make live happier...
Of course this need to work with all usb/firewire... etc.. ports...
We can implement some compilers to create apps for this OS...
I know that there are many FS in the market, but why not to plan a new FS...
I think if we will create a new os is because 3 reason... we want to learn, we want to invent, and we want to tell in some time "this is the os we created"
I want that the os was completly freeware...
Now I need to know if there are any body interested in this project who want to start with it???
I'm not an expert programer, I have many ideas and some free time to work...
then if you are interested only tell me...
Re: New Project
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:00 am
by carbonBased
This is a *huge* project... tens (hundreds?) of thousands of programmers exist on projects meant to emulate windows on linux and vise versa, and yet neither concepts are fully usable today.
You're going to need some serious backing... (I'd suggest not including internet shortforms such as 'lol' in your text in order to attract the right people...)
In any event, I wish you the best of luck. I tend to ask myself, however, if the best OS would be one to support all the nice features of current OSs, or to be drastically different and ground-breaking.
Re: New Project
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:00 am
by stevenup7002
Yes, this will probably take 20 years to develop in c, but in freepascal? Seriously, you should consider making some toy OSes first before you try somthing big, this is very similar to my project, good luck anyway,
Re: New Project
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:00 am
by crash_master25
Yes, I know that this project will take many years, but i have time...
I was thinking in create new os with new kind of app not compatible with any but it's very difficult that really grow, that's because i want to create a join of all of this...
Some time ago, 10 or 15 years ago, I worked with a project of a BBS, we crate a new image transfer protocol, remember that in that time the modems was 300 to 2400 bps, then the image transfer was really slow, and only exist RIP or Ansi, then we careate the bbs in windows and transfer a jpg really fast in those modems, the interesting thing is that the bbs has a console (terminal) and you can execute his own apps, apps created with a compiler we created for that and if you try to execute outside the bbs tells you that need to work... we do this because the bbs was very difficult to hack and we catch all the bombs and make the hacker 'believe' he can hack the bbs, give the terminal, and an image of the hd, then he use the apps and think he erase, format or something the hd, but he can't... and the most incredible thing 'we created in VB 1'. then i don't think that create a big SO in freepascal is impposible... i allways say 'the best programing language is the programing languaje you really know".
I'm not trying to emulate any os, the thing is to make some api that make work any apps, let me explain, if you see reactOS, this is a clone of windows NT, it execute any apps of the windows nt4 without emulation, and in the linux you can run any linux apps, in darwin you can run some osx apps, then i was thinking if you can do this, then why you don't join all of this and execute any....
The first thing i'm working is in the kernel, working with the memory managment, and things like that...
I see your OS Steven and it's great, and believe me when i saw your OS and the Toro OS I consider to create a new one... and because I don't like C and like very much object pascal that's because i want to create in this...
Re: New Project
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:00 am
by earlz
if pascal requires no or little runtime support then its suitable to build an OS in
The real problem with all these different things that can emulate other things is that you can't just merge kernels and it all work. This is because a kernel expects that it is in control and nothing else is running without its say so well if you have 2 kernels thinking the same thing then well it just dont work
Then there are also problems like OSX runs on a completely different processor than Windows XP does
so how would you do that?
now then(of course your first thing is the kernel) i suggest you work on creating a working gdt, idt, and printf and other essentials
then create a working timer interrupt and a wait(int ms) function, and then creating a keyboard driver.
then after all that create a memory manager(which i have found no good tutorials over); then a console shell type thingy to execute commands from then well i havent really thought past that yet
a really good tutorial over the first few parts is
that is in C but if you know anything about C then you should be able to convert it to pascal