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MACROS in Java
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:24 pm
by Neo
Is there anyway of writing MACROS (or something similar) in Java?
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:49 am
by Neo
Is there anything like this in Java at all?
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:28 am
by Solar
Not to my knowledge.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:29 am
by mystran
No. No macros in Java.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:39 am
by distantvoices
Shouldna be a problem thou'. Well ... No Macro, No Cry.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:58 am
by Candy
the official reply is that you can do anything you'd want to do with a macro using inline functions.
the unofficial reply is that you cannot do anything with them, but that you'd have to hack your way around a few things
the hacker (original meaning, not "website defacer" meaning) reply is to plain use the gcc preparser if you want macro's. Try -E. It should be able to skip across most java stuff. Note, this also allows real includes.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:26 pm
by Schol-R-LEA
The only form of macro that is actually part of the Java language are the generics introduced in version 1.5, which are just similar enough to C++ templates to piss off a lot of C++ fans for the ways that they differ. Or so I understand; I've only taken a quick glance at them so far.
If you really insist on it, you can use standard C macros and simply run cpp over the source code before compiling it. Just don't be surprised when the other programmers lynch you for it.
There are other standalone macro processors like m4, most of which are light-years beyond cpp, but you'd still have the problem of them being non-standard. Even if it's only for code you never expect anyone else to use, it probably is a bad idea; at the very least, you'd want to make sure it was very clearly marked that you need to run the preprocessor over it before compiling. Also, sone Java-based languages such as AspectJ are basically macro processors, but then you're not really working in Java at all.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:45 pm
by creichen
AspectJ etc. may be useful solutions, depending on what you're trying to do; perhaps it would be best if you were to explain to us what the problem is that you're trying to solve with macros: There may well be alternate solutions that do not require meta-programming (besides, Java has many trapdoors to allow meta-programming, though only dynamically).
Wrt Generics and C++ templates: I beg to differ. Those are vastly different things, they just happen to have similar syntax. C++ templates are glorified preprocessor macros, whereas C++' Generics are a methodology for introducing parametric types (-> parametric polymorphism), a concept which does not exist in C++.
As an example, if you want to use a "linked list" class, there are basically three approaches to keeping it in such a way that it works for arbitrary types (i.e., is polymorphic over a type parameter):
(1) The static C/C++ way: You can't do it, so you do a peprocessor hack (involved #defines in the case of C-- see FreeSCI's "hashmap" for an example-- and templates for C++) instead. The net result is that for every type you use, you have to re-compile (and re-typecheck) the container.
(2) The "old" Java way and the approach taken in dynamically typed languages like Smalltalk or Python: You cast everything to some base type ("java.lang.Object" in old Java) and cast it back when you retrieve it from the container. This also works in C and C++, typically by typecasting to a "void*". This approach only requires one compilation, but requires you to do dynamic type checking (or to run into funky run-time errors, in the case of C or unsafe C++ casts). Thus, it is slower than approach (1) and less safe.
(3) Parametric Polymorphism (e.g., Java Generics): You allow types to have "type parameters"; so there is List-of-int vs. List-of-String etc., just as in (1) (meaning that you get good static type-checking), but you only need to compile once. Performance varies; depending on the implementation, it tends to be somewhere between (1) and (2). Java's implementation is, unfortunately, a bit stupid (based on type erasure), so it's about as slow as approach (2).
Note that this isn't all there is to parametric polymorphism. There's also the notion of /bounded/ parametric polymorphism-- supported by Java-- which allows you to specify that you "take a type parameter if it is a subtype of T". For example, if you want to have a sorted list type, you can require your element types to be of a subtype of "java.util.Comparable" (or whatever it's called) and thus specify an order. Again, all of these things can be checked at compile-time, which reduces the time you need for testing your code.
Historically, parametric polymorphism comes from the world of functional programming (ML, then Miranda, then Caml, then SML, then Haskell, then Clean, if I'm not mistaken about the order in which those were first released); but I'm getting very off-topic now.
Sorry about this. But the "Generics are like templates" discussion is a frequent misunderstanding, and, with type systems being among my favourite topics, I couldn't leave this sitting around here as it was ;-)
-- Christoph
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:16 pm
by mystran
Real hackers use M4 for all their macro needs, except when they are programming in Lisp, and have REAL (structural) macros at their disposal. Anything less than Lisp macros is **** anyway, so I don't see why people complain about Java not having (sucky, textural) macros.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:53 am
by Candy
mystran wrote:
Real hackers use M4 for all their macro needs, except when they are programming in Lisp, and have REAL (structural) macros at their disposal. Anything less than Lisp macros is **** anyway, so I don't see why people complain about Java not having (sucky, textural) macros.
Because some people don't need a chain saw to cut through a table leg.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:54 am
by distantvoices
[ot]@candy:I'd use a jig saw for that kinda job. ];->. Honestly, a fox tail saw would suffice too, but we are lazy, aren't we?[/ot]
I've done quite some java programming. In all the Time I have not yet encountered the need for #define. java has that much nifty features that you needn't ressort to macros.
besides: isn't the 1.5 version said to be slimmer and faster?
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:38 am
by Candy
beyond infinity wrote:
[ot]@candy:I'd use a jig saw for that kinda job. ];->. Honestly, a fox tail saw would suffice too, but we are lazy, aren't we?[/ot]
I've done quite some java programming. In all the Time I have not yet encountered the need for #define. java has that much nifty features that you needn't ressort to macros.
The point behind the chain saw was that you don't always need the biggest & baddest tool to do something. To get my kids to school I don't require a ferrari spider 360. It could be used, but it would be just as OK with a smart (to name another extreme). Yet, the second is less heavy and more commonly used for the purpose. Plus, if it breaks down, more people know how to fix it again since it's common. Don't use M4 for the same stuff plain C macros can do, if you really don't need all the other features.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:32 am
by distantvoices
I've got the point immediately, candy. *gg* I'm not that bad in english. I've just jested around a bit.
My mood is in hilarious mode and gambols around like a happy hare.
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 4:25 am
by Neo
I downloaded M4 for windows and have tried using it.
!'ve defined a macro which is something like this.
Code: Select all
define(`test',`$1, $1.drawOutput();'
When I use it I call it like this
but i get an output of
arg1, arg1.drawOutput();
How do i remove the first 'arg1' from that line? I need only arg1.drawOutput();
Re:MACROS in Java
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 4:59 am
by AR
This is just a guess, but assuming
Code: Select all
define(`test',`$1, $1.drawOutput();'
$1 refers to the first parameter, wouldn't it be: