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screen size - poll

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 3:01 am
by Candy
[this is cloudee's work, not mine]

Alright so this question actually has very little to do with programming but sort of,

I am getting ready to finalize and adjust all of my web pages in order to get a little consistency between them, and I was wondering what kind of resolutution (screen size) that people actually use. I am going to preset the widths of all of my pages and I am trying to get an average sampling.

for instance my screen is set to 1024 x 768.

[post by cloudee1, reposted by candy with poll attached]

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:41 am
I prefer 1152x864 on my 17" screen, but my laptop only goes up to 1024x768.
It's good practice to make your website not wider than 700 pixels as to not piss off too many people. Either that, or make it a percentage of the window width (like 90%, 95%) and make sure it looks good on all resolutions.

[Note: I didn't vote, 'cause I'd need two votes for this.]

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:32 am
by Eero Ränik
I use whatever resolution I can set to 100 Hz on any given monitor, which is 1024x768 at the one I'm using right now. 85 Hz seems to kill my eyes, though some people do not even notice it flickering.

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:15 am
by cloudee1
Hey Candy thanks for "polling" it for me I didn't list them all like that because I wasn't sure what all the standards are, so thanks. ;)

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:47 am
by bubach
1024*768 is the one that my screen and graphic card obiously was buildt for, so i use it..
any res higher then that and i can?t see the small text (it gets fuzzy)..

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:44 pm
by Schol-R-LEA
Note that while I keep the resolution as high as possible when running in Windows, I also have the icons, window items and text scaled up fairly high; as a result, the practical image sizes are about the same as 1024 x 768 with default scaling. I have always felt that, once you are above 800 x 600 or so, resolution should be about image quality, not window density.

IIRC, Gnome scales the images more or less automatically, and you can set the scaling independent of the resolution. Is that correct? I suppose I'll see if I ever get around to setting up the second drive for Linux again like I've been planning to for forever and a day... (of course, the 'second drive' was my primary up until Christmas, when a friend gave me a new 120G drive to go with the new video card another had given me).

OTOH, I have a 17" CRT (viewable area approximately 15.75"); with a larger viewable area, I would probably leave the image sizes lower.

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:05 am
by Solar
I gave 1280x1024, but...

* my laptop only supports up to 1024x768,

* I surf the web regularily using my PDA's (640x240, 240x320),

* I hate it when webmasters assume that a browser window is maximized; I'm a long-time Amiga user, and my windows are usually about 20% screen size and scattered all over the place.

Unless you have to use an elaborate graphical layout (corporate identity or a website about graphics or something professional), I much prefer a website that presents its contents in the most effective (as opposed to "smart looking") way possible.

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:12 am
by mystran
I don't run webbrowser fullscreen EVER, so it's useless for you to know how wide my screen it. You can assume my webbrowser is usually somewhere between 750 and 1200 pixels. My screen is wider.

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:44 am
by Candy
Pretty good point actually... I have my webbrowser set to maximize, which means it's 1280*1024, minus start beam (windows, yes) minus ICQ/msn client (which is about 150-200 pixels wide). Most people with "interactive" websites (IE, flash) scale according to what the screen size is. Bad idea. I usually lose the left or right portion of those sites.

On the other hand, sites displaying everything in a width of 640 pixels on my screen, but then centered also annoy the **** out of me. I have a high resolution, no use to spoil 70% of it with plain blue, violet, black or white.

I also surf occasionally with school computers (fixed to 1024*768 with a very bad browser, but they can't be convinced :() and my laptop (which can only do 800*600). My mom's computer is usually set to 1024*768 or 800*600, and I use that occasionally too. And, at some times, just to make it worse, I try to surf with links or lynx, which is made practically impossible by most web browsers

Loud applause to DF, since this site works flawless in links and lynx :D

Try making a scalable design.

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:43 am
by dh
This public libary monitor seems to be 800*600 but one can never be sure when the settings tab it disabled. ;P

Cheers, DH.

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 12:22 am
by AGI1122

Re:screen size - poll

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:58 am
by dh
800*600 at the school libary (libary = quite haven)