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Looking for programmers

Posted: Sat May 15, 2004 9:11 am
by dimidimidimi
My name is Dimitris Manos and I am the editor of the PDF magazine for adventure games The Inventory, published monthly from . Lately we have formed a team of 3 storywriters, 1 concept artist, 1 coder, 1 musician and 2 3D artists and we are about to begin development of a 3D adventure game.

We are going to use the open source Nebula Device ( for the purposes of the game. We are looking for a coder and one more 3D modeler to help us with the production of the game. Due to the fact that this is our first attempt to enter the gaming industry we cannot provide any salaries until the game is released.

The story of the game is inspired by movies like American Beauty, Donnie Darko and Good Will Hunting. The genre is psychological thriller. You can check out more information regarding the game on the latest issue of The Inventory which you can find on ... ntory.shtm

In the latest issue it is mentioned that the engine we are going to use is Neoengine, but since then we have found a lot of limitations and bugs with that engine and we decided to use the Nebula Device instead.

If you are interested contact us at [email protected]

Re:Looking for programmers

Posted: Sat May 15, 2004 11:01 am
by Schol-R-LEA
Leaving, for the moment, the issue of whether ads should be posted here or not to the moderators (who I expect will not be pleased), I have a few questions to ask about this, which I expect will be relevant for anyone else who is curious about the project.
  • Are you hiring for what is supposed to eventually be a paid position (as implied by the phrase, "we cannot provide any salaries until..."), or recruiting for a volunteer or open source project?
  • Can participants be located anywhere, or do they have to be in a specific country, state/province, city, etc.? Are there any legal limits on who can work on the project (e.g., if it were a US company, would it be able to sponsor an H1B Visa worker)?
  • How is the project going to be managed? Who is the project lead? How will you be communicating, and will F2F meetings be necessary? Will code be sharable (e.g., through SourceForge)?
  • What is the projected time span of the project? Is it a full-time project, or one which can or should be done in spare time?
  • What kind of experience level at you looking for in with the positions? How much experience in game development specifically is needed? What languages are needed? What tools are being used, aside from Nebula Device? Are there coding S&P that need to be followed (i.e., "Hungarian notation is to be used consistently", "All Java functions must have a Javadoc description", etc.)?
Anyone else have anything to add? I'll be mailing a copy of this to the address listed, with a request that they post the answers here.

Re:Looking for programmers

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 12:32 am
by kyg
den pisteyw na ehei dei kaneis ton talantouho kyrio ripley, ha?