While I am far more comfortable with the Intel syntax out of long habit, I have to say the AT&T syntax is actually simpler and more regular than the Intel syntax is. Also, if you ever have to write assembly code on anything other than an IA-32 or IA-64, you'll probably by using an AT&T type assembler.
You will probably want to read the
manual for the full details, but here are a few key things to look for:
[*]AT&T-syntax code is case sensitive: "MOVL" is not the same as "movl".
[*]Number bases are indicated the same as in C: 1 in decimal, 01 in octal, 0x01 in hex.
[*]C-style escape codes are used for special characters: \n, \", \#, \\, etc.
[*]C-style comments ("/*", "*/") are used, as are shell style line comments (beginning from '#' and going to the end of the line.
[*]Assembler directives begin with a period; for example, ".align 4" means to align on a doubleword boundary.
[*]This applies to space-allocating directives as well: thus ".word 0x1234" is the equivalent of "DW 1234h".
[*]String space is allocated using a special directive, ".ascii"; for example,
msg: .ascii "Hello, World!\n"
the .asciz directive has the the same effect, except that it automatically appends a NULL character ('\00') to the end of the string.
[*]A period by itself indicates the address of the current location in the assembly code, equivalent to the Intel '$' directive.
[*]The .fill directive is roughly equivalent to using 'times db' in Intel syntax. Thus,
.fill 0x1fe - (. - START) , 1, 0
(where '1' is the size fill mask in bytes and START is a label marking the entry point of the code) is equal to
times 1FEh - ($-$$) db 0
The .skip and .space directives can be used in a similar manner.
[*]The .org directive can be used multiple times, allowing the code counter to set at a specified location, as in:
.org 0x1fe + START
(where START is a label marking the entry point of the code). The location-assignment directive, ".=", can be used in the same manner.
[*]The equivalents to [BITS 16] and [BITS 32] directives are .code16 and .code32, respectively.
[*]The .arch directive allows you to select the target CPU; it is a Good Idea to set it, even if you are sure that the default is 'i386'.
[*]While there is no built in preprocessor, either cpp or m4 can be used for macro processing, with cpp being the default.
[*]Label declarations always end in a colon.
[*]When a new identifer appears at the beginning of a line, which doesn't end in a colon, it is assumed to be part of an
equivalence statement, and must be followed by an equals sign and an assigned value. For example:
FOO = 0xF00
[*]A instruction can be ended either by a newline, or with a semi-colon; the latter is primarily seen in macros, to allow multiple lines of code.
[*]A forward slash ('\') acts as a line continuance, just as in C; this also is mostly used in macros.
[*]Registers are always prefixed with a percent sign: %eax, %cs, %sp, etc.
[*] Move, load, store, etc. operations are always 'source, destination', which is opposite of most (but not all) Intel instructions; thus "movl %eax, %ebx" moves the value of %eax into %ebx. This is the part that seems to confuse people the most, but in fact, the AT&T syntax is more consistent on this point than the Intel syntax is.
[*]Operand sizes are always suffixed to instructions (with the exception of ljmp, lcall, and lret on the x86): movb for move byte, movw is move word, movl for move long, etc.
[*]Operands with no prefix are treated as direct-address operands; thus, "movl foo, %eax" moves the contents of memory location "foo" into %eax.
[*]Immediate operands are prefixed with a dollar sign ($) : "pushl $4" pushes 0x00000004 onto the stack. This applies to labels as well: "movl $foo, %eax" moves the value of the label foo (that is, the address of variable foo) into %eax.
[*]Indexed or indirect operands are used in the format:
segment:displacement (base, index, scale)
like so:
movl %eax, %ss:8(%ebp, 2, 3)
is equivalent to
mov dword [ss:ebp + 2 * 3 + 8], eax
that is, it moves the value of %eax to offset (%ebp + (2 *3) + 8 ) in segment %ss. Any of the five operands of an indirect address may be omitted.
[*] Jump and call instructions default to relative (i.e., short) addressing. To use absolute (near) addressing, the operand must be prefixed with an asterisk (*). Far jumps, calls and returns must use the special 'ljmp', 'lcall' and 'lret' instructions.
DJGPP AT&T Assembly Tutorial
Linux Assembly HOWTO
GAS/AS End User Help Project
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