Hi i'm looking for someone who is used to create ActiveX controls in VC++ .
I have a sample program written in c++ but i whould like to use all the funtions from the sample in a ActiveX ctrl that way i can use it in vb
if anyone is interessted in helping me plz contact me.
I'm not that familiar in VC++
Fingerprint Technology
Re:Fingerprint Technology
Visual C++ includes at least one ActiveX control wizard. It should be easy to use that and expand on what it gives you. ActiveX controls in MFC are also very extensively documented.
Re:Fingerprint Technology
I'm mostly a UNIX programmer and don't really like Visual C++ interface.. but I must agree that the ActiveX wizard is great.
I was doing a custom (disco) light control system once with Visual Basic (with a 2 day schedule) and without knowing anything about C++ programming in Windows, I managed to make a nice ActiveX control, that did all the low-level I/O, and use that just like any built-in Visual Basic component.... in about 30 minutes.
Not bad from a wizard. Still don't know much more about Windows programming though. =)
I was doing a custom (disco) light control system once with Visual Basic (with a 2 day schedule) and without knowing anything about C++ programming in Windows, I managed to make a nice ActiveX control, that did all the low-level I/O, and use that just like any built-in Visual Basic component.... in about 30 minutes.
Not bad from a wizard. Still don't know much more about Windows programming though. =)