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Windows Toolbars

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:12 am
by ark
I'm trying to create a C++ class that hides the hideously ugly and complicated (either by bad design or inadequate documentation) Windows toolbar API. I'm running into a slight problem, however. I have two versions of an AddButton function, one of them takes a string and the other does not. What I want is for the non-string version to add a button with no text underneath and for the string version to add a button with text. However, given the following implementations:

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void APIWrap::CToolbarCtrl::AddButton(int nIndex, int nCommandID,
                                      APIWrap::CBitmap& bmpButtonImage)

    TBBUTTON tbb;

    ZeroMemory(&tbb, sizeof(tbb));

    tbb.iBitmap   = m_pmapBitmaps->GetItem(bmpButtonImage.GetHBITMAP());
    tbb.idCommand = nCommandID;
    tbb.fsState   = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
    tbb.fsStyle   = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;

    this->InsertButton(nIndex, tbb);

void APIWrap::CToolbarCtrl::AddButton(int nIndex, int nCommandID,
                                      APIWrap::CBitmap& bmpButtonImage,
                                      const APIWrap::CString& strButtonText)

    TBBUTTON tbb;

    ZeroMemory(&tbb, sizeof(tbb));

    tbb.iBitmap   = m_pmapBitmaps->GetItem(bmpButtonImage.GetHBITMAP());
    tbb.idCommand = nCommandID;
    tbb.fsState   = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
    tbb.fsStyle   = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
    tbb.iString   = m_pmapStrings->GetItem(strButtonText);

    this->InsertButton(nIndex, tbb);
if I call the string version and pass the text "Test" and then call the non-string version to add another button, both buttons will have "Test" underneath.

This problem applies specifically to mixing the string and non-string versions, because it works fine if they are not mixed. I tried setting the iString member of the TBBUTTON structure to -1 in the non-string AddButton and it seems to work. What I want to know is if that is legal as a way to specify "no string for this button" or if it can cause problems. Anybody know?

Re:Windows Toolbars

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:16 am
by ark
as a little clarification, AddBitmap, AddString, m_pmapBitmaps, and m_pmapStrings hide the details of the TB_ADDBITMAP and TB_ADDSTRING messages. InsertButton simply sends the TB_INSERTBUTTON message to the toolbar.