Anouncing swieros - A tiny hand crafted OS and compiler
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:14 pm
Hello all!
The project:
A tiny and fast Unix-ish kernel (based on xv6), compiler, and userland for fun, education, and research.
Virtual CPU with full user/supervisor and virtual memory support, fast enough to support self-emulation.
Fast C-subset compiler allowing on-the-fly compile-and-go of all applications.
Network clients & servers, remote OpenGL, GUI applications, and many other nifty features.
Runs under Windows or Linux.
Please see the 00README.txt for full details and a step-by-step walk-through tutorial. I welcome your comments, suggestions, bug fixes and ideas. This is the first release of the code, and much is rough and unfinished.
The project:
A tiny and fast Unix-ish kernel (based on xv6), compiler, and userland for fun, education, and research.
Virtual CPU with full user/supervisor and virtual memory support, fast enough to support self-emulation.
Fast C-subset compiler allowing on-the-fly compile-and-go of all applications.
Network clients & servers, remote OpenGL, GUI applications, and many other nifty features.
Runs under Windows or Linux.
Please see the 00README.txt for full details and a step-by-step walk-through tutorial. I welcome your comments, suggestions, bug fixes and ideas. This is the first release of the code, and much is rough and unfinished.