MajOS micro kernel
The description (short form):
> A small micro operating system kernel written in C (and partly assembly).
> Planned features are: software based preemptive multitasking/threading, paging, kernel API, IPC, client/server, security system.
> The code is designed to be clearly understandable.
The description (long form):
> I want to design a basic micro kernel that has only the most necessary elements to run applications.
> All drivers will run as usermode processes and can publish APIs to other applications.
> Therefore, every process can have special client and server rights, for using and publishing this APIs.
> I also focus very much on the code style. The code should be easy to read and without cryptical symbol names.
> I just implemented memory allocation, GDT, IDT, basic exception handling, software interrupts, IRQs, timers, preemtive multitasking/threading, kernel APIs and a basic GUI.
> Some basic device drivers are already working (still in kernel mode), like video, vga, keyboard, ps2-mouse, clock, speaker, hdd, partitions.
> Paging, user APIs and IPC are planned for the next time.