Think of it as 3 different types of computers. The first is "BIOS only", where there's no support for UEFI at all and you must use a boot loader designed for BIOS. These are common (there's lots of old computers still being used) but no new computers are "BIOS only" and eventually (maybe 5 years?) "BIOS only" will be very rare.
The second type is a "hybrid mixture", where the firmware includes both BIOS and UEFI. In this case you can tell the firmware to use UEFI or BIOS; and (for at least for some computers) if they can't find a usable UEFI boot loader they'll automatically switch to BIOS and attempt to find a suitable BIOS boot loader. These are common (e.g. most new computers are like this); but they only exist to allow the industry to make a gradual transition from "BIOS only" to "UEFI only". Eventually (e.g. when nobody cares about Windows XP and it's not worth the hassle of providing BIOS anymore) they will become rare.
The third type is "UEFI only", where there's no support for BIOS at all and you must use a boot loader designed for UEFI. These are currently rare but they do exist. This is what the industry is heading towards; and eventually (maybe 10 years?) all new computers will be like this.
Please note that a lot of pieces of hardware are designed to be "legacy OS compatible" (including A20 gate, PIC chips, PS/2 controller, PIT chip, etc), or are designed to support "legacy OS compatibility modes" (including PCI bridges, disk controllers, USB controllers, video cards, etc). For the second type of computer (the "hybrid mixture") all this obsolete/legacy hardware still has to exist in case the user wants to use BIOS. For the third type of computer (the "UEFI only") all of this obsolete hardware doesn't need to exist at all. Basically; the third type of computer (the "UEFI only") will start out as "UEFI only with legacy hardware" but will gradually move towards "legacy free UEFI".
I also think that (for computers in general) manufacturers used to compete on performance (making faster and faster computers), but there's very little demand for faster computers now. In response to this manufacturers will compete on power consumption and price (making computers cheaper to buy and cheaper to run, instead of making them faster). The easiest way to do this is to rip out all the legacy stuff. Basically; once "UEFI only" becomes common, I think the move from "UEFI only with legacy hardware" to "legacy free UEFI" will happen fast.
As a summary, here's my predictions for 80x86 desktop/server:
- for the next 8 years "hybrid mixture" will dominate
- in about 8 years "UEFI only with legacy hardware" will dominate
- in about 12 years "legacy free UEFI" will dominate
And here's my predictions for 80x86 small mobile/tablet:
- in about 3 years "UEFI only with legacy hardware" will dominate
- in about 5 years "legacy free UEFI" will dominate
Laptops will be somewhere between these.
What does this mean to us? As a (very rough) estimate it takes about 10 years to get an OS from "idea" to "actually usable". Someone starting an OS today could support UEFI and not bother with BIOS at all, and by the time the OS is usable none of the users will care that it doesn't support old BIOS systems. This makes perfect sense.
Alternatively; you could write several BIOS boot loaders (e.g. one for booting from hard disk, one for booting from network, one for booting from "no emulation El Torito" CD, etc) and write a UEFI boot loader. You can design it so that all boot loaders (for both BIOS and UEFI) hide the firmware from the rest of the OS and boot the same kernel, etc. You can even have (e.g.) "hybrid GPT/MBR" hard disks, and "hybrid UEFI/BIOS boot CDs" (where there's 2 or more boot loaders, the firmware boots whichever boot loader is suitable and all boot loaders start the same kernel/OS). This makes perfect sense too.
What doesn't make sense is writing an OS that can only be booted with boot loader/s designed for BIOS - it's very likely that the OS will be obsolete before it's actually usable.