The DynatOS Project

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The DynatOS Project

Post by SpooK »

DynatOS is "leisure" project for me, that has been going on for 5+ years now.

My goal for the Core (kernel) is an exokernel-style "generic computer manager" that provides the computer as-is (a finite computing resource). All other complication and abstractions will be included further on (the actual OS) as much as possible. The reason being, is that I don't intend on re-inventing the wheel once again, so I'd rather support multiple APIs that already exist through the exokernel "libOS" mentality. You could say that with enough care and design, DynatOS could be coded to be what Lindows/Wine/Cygwin types have always have aspired to be, with more native support and a cleaner interface (i.e. just works)... but this is only one aspect of my approach.

This means that the Core (kernel) will consist of only the utmost basics such as Memory Management and Process Management. Following this mindset, will allow parts of DynatOS to be specific and efficient to the task at hand, yet provide interoperability.

I am willing to work with anyone who wishes to contribute to this exokernel-style design, but as I said, this has been a "leisure" project for me... so not too much has been done (even in 5 years time unfortunately). The Core (kernel) source is in NASM so far, and I don't imagine that be changed unless for a very good reason.

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