How To Know What To Do?
There's apparently a problem with your eyesight. It starts with your coloured text, and it ends with your programming abilities. A short story follows. That said, not knowing
what to do is only an indication of having no
purpose. The interesting part is knowing
how to do it.
Basically, life is a really, really large puzzle. Ever considered what happens when you make a step forwards? I won't even explain it as it would take too long. Heck, the time it took me to learn how to do that can be measured in the order of years. Same for you, no doubt. Ever wondered why computer programs and robots fail at things like proper speech recognition, visual recognition, and bipedal movement? Because the programmers want them to just do it and not go through the whole learning process.
Computers are the purest of complex puzzles: there is no such thing of randomness. If we do A on a computer the result can be predicted exactly, assuming we know all the details. Computer programs are solutions to puzzles. Good computer programs solve many similar puzzles. See puzzles as a maze: You have an desired outcome, and several routes you can move in. Each step you take brings you closer, or further away from the solution. The stupid programmers view the maze from the inside. They can only see their location, and the few paths that lead from there. Where the exit is, they don't know. The good programmers start by climbing the nearest wall so they can view the maze in its entirety, including the exit. From their point of view it is easy to plan a route through the maze.
Efficient problem solving is not just overseeing the entire maze, but also thinking above the entire maze. A specific race of monkeys tend to climb whatever they can, and randomly jump down another end to see what's there. What works better is by realizing what paths lead to your exit, and seeing that lots of paths run parallel to each other, split off and come back together moments later. Once you realize this pattern, you can divide the maze into smaller blocks. To reach a certain state, it is easiest to get each part of the state in turn. In the large maze, you'll find that it is subdivided into larger blocks where the paths look alike. By grouping, grouping the result, and repeatedly grouping that result, you get the general direction in which to walk. You can mark out a few points along the way, and then look at the part of the maze just below you. Since you know where you should go, you can then pay attention to individual parts of the maze and find a course that brings you to one block closer to the exit. Once there, you can climb on the wall again and plot more of the details.
In the end, every maze can be solved. Some people are near-sighted and can't ever see far enough to plot a course. Some forget to look. Some are too lazy to climb up the wall. You can easily detect the bad programmers based on these traits. In your case, I hope there exist glasses strong enough to have you see beyond the next wall, let alone see the footholds to climb it. I gave up hope.
And for all the others out there, I wish you clear skies and few monkeys.