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CPUID multicore

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:43 am
by coolcoolm
I'm trying to find an alternate way to do spinlock without the chance of the computer of locking up. I thought of a way to use a process list with a field called cpuid. When a processor picks up a process it sets cpuid to its processor id and when the process is finished it clears cpuid. I would most likely have to put a little second cpuid check in it but that isn't the problem I need to find something thats different in the CPUID in multicore processors so I can check them. I would prefer to find a way to do it with CPUID but if i have to i would try to enumerate them but i wouldn't know where to begin there. So can anybody help.

and here's the current process structure

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typedef struct _h_process {
	DWORD processid;    //process ID
	char name[256];     //name of the process
	DWORD priority;     //process priority(hi,medium,low)
	DWORD status;       //status of the process
	DWORD syssize;  //size of the system stack
	processmem *meminfo; //memory locations	

	void *stackptr,*stackptr0; //stack pointers
	char *parameters;   //parameters passed to this process
	char *environment;  //environment variables

	char *cpuid; //active cpuid
    } h_process;

Re: CPUID multicore

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:35 pm
by Combuster
If you need a processor-specific value, try the task register.