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Execution time measure method for real-time system

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:26 pm
by yuko
Hello, everyone,

I am currently trying to implement real-time system on Xen architecture. I will support Rate monotonic or EDF scheduler on Xen kernel and execute Linux guest OS on real-time Xen kernel. To provide real-time guarantee, I will patch Preemptive RT to guest Linux OS.

Anyway, my problem is how can we accurately measure task execution time in practical environment such as Linux. There are many research paper related to worst case execution time, but almost all works are targeting Hard real-time and impractical.
Anyone knows about practical methods to measure execution time of task in Linux environment?

And I found there are very few RTOS to support RM and EDF. Many commercial RTOS product such as LynxOs, pSOS, Vxworks and QNX seems to not support RM and EDF, RT Linux support RM and EDF. My question is why they did not provide RM and EDF? The RM and EDF theory came from around 30 years ago and there are huge amount of paper related to RM and EDF. Anyone knows about this?

Thank you for your concerns,