Filesystems with Application Defined Abstractions

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Filesystems with Application Defined Abstractions

Post by Azir »

The first question to cross my mind while reading about XN (section 4 on this page) was, "Why do no popular file systems exist that allow applications to define their own abstractions in the way that XN does?" The ExOS performance benchmarks show clearly that applications which are I/O intensive benefit immensely from their system. While their system does add some complexity in the way of metadata templates and UDFs, most of the complexity is contained in libFSes. Even if the complexity were not contained, it appears to me that it is grossly outweighed by the performance benefits.

Are there any significant drawbacks to a design of this type that I simply did not identify? I plan to incorporate a similar file system into the design for my hobby OS (based on an exokernel). I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't opening my system up to any unforeseen difficulties in the future.
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Re: Filesystems with Application Defined Abstractions

Post by mybura »

The primary reason such an approach is not widely implemented in any production quality OS'es is because very little User application programming is done with the programmers wanting to worry about FS implementations.

When the need arrives to optimize FS metadata, using a big file with the internal representation controlled by a libFS in the application is more than sufficient for most applications. Examples of these are .WAD/.CAB files in certain games. The game programmer does not care if the underlying FS is ext3 or FAT12, as long as he can control the layout of the sound vs. video and the blocking of the content in his CAB or WAD file. Another would be pagefiles in Windows, they are filesystems embeded in a .SYS file that is allocated off e.g. FAT32 or NTFS (the same concept is applicable to Linux's swap files with the addition of using a whole partition instead of utilizing another FS).

To me the only possible mistake in implementing this feature in your OS would be the lack of people using it. You would probably end up writing one or two libFS's and everyone would use those, instead of writing their own.

To be honest, in implementing a VFS in any OS, the underlying design is put in place to support a libFS implementation in anyway, the API might not be exposed as explicitly as you would when doing a libFS implementation. Hope that answers your question.
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Re: Filesystems with Application Defined Abstractions

Post by Azir »

It does, thanks a lot. I agree with you that, if there ever were any developers, they probably would not be terribly interested in writing a libFS just for their program. However, I feel like I wouldn't be doing my duty if I didn't present people with the option in case they truly wanted to produce the most optimized program possible.
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Re: Filesystems with Application Defined Abstractions

Post by amn »

I know this thread is old, but I feel compelled to join in. Hope people involved in this thread have not abandoned it entirely. Frankly, why should we care about the age here - the argument is still as valid as ever, is it not? :)

Anyways. I am currently investigating into exokernels, partly out of personal and professional curiosity and partly because I am drafting a design of an OS.

What `mybura says is very true. Indeed, in Windows and Linux, applications from bigger vendors that do care about performance, but meet the "abstraction wall", go about in trying to circumvent these abstractions without breaking them. For instance, database servers such as MySQL and Postgres, store their tables in an single-table-per-file manner, in order to be able to perform more efficiently. This already is akin to what a libOS does with say, a disk drive - it offers its client(s) to manage a region of storage for them and give them an abstraction they would prefer. In case with a database engine, it abstracts a file as a table behind, for instance, an SQL query API. To the convenience of its implementation in turn, it can traverse the file in random-access or linear-access fashion, without having to "peel the onion" much before it gets the data it needs.

However there is a catch still, which I believe, makes a difference and tells it apart from a true libOS in an exokernel. Invariably and inevitably, an application-level database engine, even though operating on a file as a linearly- and randomly- accessed storage space, STILL has to go through another runtime level of abstraction that is the filesystem below. Modern filesystems deal with issues of their own these days, such as file fragmentation, and a level of indirection that is required for them to be able to map a user given filename to the final location on say, a disk platter, that the kernel disk driver can work with. File fragmentation alone is a serious performance show stopper, since it has the controller wait while disk platter skips some rotations before it aligns itself with the reading head so that it can read more of your fragmented file. Also, those system administrators or developers who optimistically map their table files in memory, sometimes run into an interesting and well-known issue - because of paging, when RAM is consumed or congested enough, say by another server process, their table file is swapped out (entirely or partially) to disk and is held there, having to be paged back (again entirely or partially) on demand, adding to the work having to be done, compared to simply reading the table off the disk and not bothering with memory mapping. Of course, database vendors know how to overcome such issues, but it comes at a cost of writing and maintaining more code, and thus more debugging.

In light of all said, I would add that exokernels are a novel approach and one worthy of further interest and realization. A system-in-a-file described above can be seen as a mere "emulation" of exokernel principles, but emulation is a level of abstraction too, of course. An exokernel would also give you all those things you try to emulate for a much cheaper cost, and have you write and thus debug less code. Add to this the fact that, as exokernel papers observe, most of the OS ends up being run in user-space, you get the bonus of security, essentially for free.

Another way of looking at and into an exokernel, and this touching on your filesystem related problems, is to think of exokernel as a resource multiplexer and nothing else. Now, DOS was a non-multitasking system - it didn't have to multiplex hardware and the programs that ran on it could do whatever they wanted in terms of accessing resources. Part of why it was possible lay in the very nature of non-concurrency and non-reentrancy of DOS itself. If only one thread of code is run, if it saves state at startup and restores it at exit, then it may indeed monopolize and manage hardware with no multiplexing required. It is because we are designing systems that give applications concurrency, that the need for such multiplexing - safely sharing limited common resource(s) - arises. A multiplexer is just that - a layer that lets multiple tasks share a resource in a safe (i.e. secure, stable, predictable) fashion. That is it, and that's all an exokernel should do, ideally. Thus, if it can do that, it's successful. So, if your system multiplexes the permanent storage in a safe manner, you have yourself an exokernel. Stack a generic, all-purpose, libOS that is your filesystem API on top of it - one that fits 99% of the applications - and you have fulfilled your original requirement, sticking with exokernel ways to do so.

Sorry, I know that I deviated somewhat from your original ponderings but I hope you forgive me for that and maybe my ramblings light a bulb in your head after all. I sure benefit from reading pretty much anything on exokernels, elsewhere and here, partly because they're a novel thing that doesn't get much exposure (yet?)
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