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SeaKernel 0.04

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:49 pm
by piranha
This is mostly (again) a test request release.

New features: It uses a hard drive image as it's base (but boots from a floppy). The VFS is better. Added a few features. (try the commands Zeppelin, @music and fancy (fancy needs sound...).

Commands like 'echo "hello" > ./file' work. As do few other things. There is a game of life simulator and a blackjack game (these are not something I am proud of, as they kinda suck).

The minimum to test is: 'qemu -fda ./ -hda ./hd.img -boot a'. I don't know about bochs, but I do know that it needs both the floppy and hard drive image. The zip file link below contains all that is needed, including a readme file, and a shell script that will execute QEMU with the optimal operating environment (OOE, just because I gotta have an acronym lol).

This will probably be the last test request release before I release an actual version of this OS. There might be one more. By actual version, I mean a version that you can do things with.

Edit: The usernames are god, bob and joe.

To get source: svn checkout microsea-read-only
Downloadable Zip file of build images:

Thanks for the testing!


Re: SeaKernel 0.04

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:05 pm
by VolTeK
cool i will check it out

Re: SeaKernel 0.04

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:19 pm
by ru2aqare
I just downloaded and tested it in Bochs (2.3.7 CVS 2008-07-03). The OS seems to boot fine, although Bochs does complain about mismatching geometry for the harddisk image (I found no indication about what the correct cylinders/heads/sectors values should be). I get some kind of user-logon screen, but I'm stuck there - no matter what user name I enter, it won't let me in. I want in :) Finally I gave up and issued the reboot command, and after 10 seconds real time, I got a "Kernel Panic: Computer reset failed" message, at which point I gave up.

Update: it seems the maximum user name length is around 64 characters, after which some kind of buffer overflows and I get an "Invalid user name" message without even pressing Enter. Also the Backspace character is handled erroneously - pressing backspace counts (into the aforementioned 64 characters) as if a regular character were pressed. The character is correctly erased from the screen, but seemingly not from the buffer.

Can post a screenshot of it, if you want one.

Edit: I accidentally left in some debugging options in bochsrc, and got a huge 1.1 gigabytes bochs log...

Re: SeaKernel 0.04

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:25 pm
by piranha
Eh, sorry about that.

The superuser name is 'god', and there are 2 dummy users, bob and joe.

And hm...I'll have to see about the backspace thing...

Re: SeaKernel 0.04

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:27 pm
by ru2aqare
piranha wrote:Eh, sorry about that.

The superuser name is 'god', and there are 2 dummy users, bob and joe.

And hm...I'll have to see about the backspace thing...
Okay then. I tried the usuals (root, toor and empty username).

Edit: Congratulations on getting a nice system together. I was able to log on as superuser, and browse the file system, and also (after finding out about 'help' and the other commands) try some stuff out.

It took me a while to get used to the god-awful qwerty keyboard layout, but that's my problem. I have a few things to point out though. The cat command apparently is only executed/recognized, if a file name is specified; otherwise an "Invalid command" response is displayed. The same message is displayed when a non-existing command (such as zz) is entered, which leaves me wondering if 'cat' doesn't exist or it just misses its argument. Perhaps you could make the error message a bit more verbose.
The second thing is executing "echo <insert anything here>" doesn't echo the text I entered, instead waits for more input and just waits and waits. I can't abort the command with Ctrl-C (which worked on executing 'more' alone without any pipes).
Also the function keys are handled incorrectly, they display characters with ASCII codes > 0x80 (F1 gets the French C, 0x80, F2 gets ü, 0x81, F3 gets é, 0x82 and so on).
Trying to switch terminals with Ctrl-1-2-3 is pretty slow on my Bochs, but eventually succeeds. Trying to switch between terminals too fast makes the screen go black for some time, but the correct terminal is displayed after some waiting.

Re: SeaKernel 0.04

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:28 pm
by VolTeK
overall nice job