@Combuster: I'm sure I wrote the code to support the lack of an IDE controller, but it looks like it doesn't work. Thanks for trying it out again. I don't have any real hardware available unfortunately
@inflater: My OS allocates things like heaps and stuff from the outset (also the page bitmap is rather large). The kernel heap alone is 32 MB, but I may be able to reduce that now that the device manager doesn't use the kernel heap.
It looks like for both of you you're having trouble loading the shell. I'll try reducing the memory I give my emulators (VPC, VMware, Bochs and QEMU) and see if I can reproduce your behaviour.
This time, it omitted the "you fail at not crashing this OS"
Hehe, actually, I removed them for page faults because they are the most common exception thrown in my OS, and I got sick of reading "you fail" all the time
ls - "minish could not find folder /hd0/"
cd /ramfs/ and then ls - works ok
No hard drive image, so no "/hd0/". I don't yet have a real VFS so this is just a fake default string. When I get around to writing a VFS there'll be true mountpoints and things like that.
So it works afterall, but really, you should optimize it a bit. lol.
I agree - and thanks for taking the time to test. I'm going to try to reproduce your behaviour and then fix it. I know for sure I can reduce memory usage by at least 20 MB if I think things through correctly.
Tested on Rhea (i had it connected for testing my own OS, so why not).
Prints the welcome screen, and the infamous "you fail at not crashing me" (err 0, pid 1, cr3 0xc01000, and amazingly enough, cr2=0)
It's interesting that this is PID=1, which isn't actually the shell. That means that it's crashing somewhere else - CR2 = 0 but the "you fail" message shouldn't come up on a page fault? If it is actually a page fault then there's something else wrong. I'll look up your system specs and try to figure out what might be going on.
Io still stalls with a blanked screen for three minutes (always fun to crash OSes with computers that don't have an IDE controller)
I let it run on for a while this time, and it did get to a shell, which turned out to be completely ignorant of my keyboard
How fast is the Io processor? I have some issues with load times especially in Bochs that I put down to a slow page allocator. But 3 minutes is a long time to wait.
The lack of keyboard usage is something I've experienced in Bochs only and I think it might be because I don't reset the keyboard at all in my TTY driver - so I'll look into that before I release next.
Uranus also stalls with the same black screen (takes longer than Io). Then displays the welcome message and locks up. (i.e. no change)
Again, can't load the shell it seems. I can't figure out why :S. I'd imagine there are many differences between Bochs' simulation and a real CPU, but I also think VMWare and VPC are closer to the real hardware and it works in them.
Thanks Combuster for trying the system, I'll definitely take this in and try to get some fixes out. It seems I have some memory issues that I need to think about