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How many lines of code in your kernel?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 2:24 am
by einsteinjunior
Some software designers say designs with a lot of source code is nice,that is to say big is beautiful ,some say the opposite.
So what do you say and whats the size of your operating system kernel.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:26 am
by JackScott
Lines of code (LOC), to me, is a completely useless statistic that is only useful when you're a code monkey working for one of the companies that gets regularly featured on the front page of The Daily WTF.

Much more important is good commenting, good documentation, and clear algorithms. I guess to summarise: readability. If other programmers can pick up any part of the code and understand it, then understand where it fits into the whole project, without too much difficulty, then the programmer has done well.

Aside from which, 1000 lines of assembly code could be represented in 100 lines of C source (or something like that... an actual ratio isn't what I'm trying to illustrate here). One coder might put in 50 lines of comments to every 200 lines of code, another might do 50:50.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:38 am
by JamesM

Code: Select all

[10:38:30] aubergine:  ~/pedigree/src/system
$ find ./ -name *.h -or -name *.cc | grep -v autogen.h | xargs cat | wc -l
By the way, the above command is why I love UNIX! :)

We comment heavily, by the way.

Removing comments and blank lines we get:

Code: Select all

[10:57:04] aubergine:  ~/pedigree/src/system
$ find ./ -name *.cc -or -name *.h | grep -v autogen.h | xargs cat | grep -v '\(^ *\*\)\|\(^ */\*\)\|\(^ *//\)\|\(^ *$\)' | wc -l
lines of actual C++ code.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:03 am
by Combuster
woohoo, beat you :)

Code: Select all

/cygdrive/D/programmeren/asm/mos>find ./ -name *.c -or -name *.h -or -name *.bas -or -name *.bi 
        -or -name *.asm -or -name *.S -or -name *.inc | xargs cat | wc -l
That's what you get for using assembly :D

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:32 am
by bluecode
Combuster wrote:woohoo, beat you :)
We began this january :wink: But I should also add that the stats from JamesM most likely includes libudis86, which we did not write ourselfs.

My old OS (lightOS) had around 35k SLoC (counted by sloccount), not counting the ported libraries/applications.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:58 am
by Colonel Kernel
I haven't had time to work on my tiny, fledgling kernel for over 2 years now, so counting its lines would be a bit pointless... ;)
Yayyak wrote:Lines of code (LOC), to me, is a completely useless statistic that is only useful when you're a code monkey working for one of the companies that gets regularly featured on the front page of The Daily WTF.
If you're using LOC to decide which code base is somehow "better" than the other, or if you're using it to judge the individual productivity or capabilities of developers, then yes, it's a terrible metric.

However, LOC has enormous value as a tool for software estimation. It is much easier to estimate a large project by LOC and convert it to effort/schedule using a software estimation tool than it is to estimate task efforts/durations directly and add them all up. The results tend to be much more accurate too. Read this if you're interested.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:53 pm
by Laksen
My os is about 5000 lines of Object Pascal with about 3000 of that being the RTL.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:02 am
by elderK
Citadel - ~9k lines of C, mixed with Assembly.
Zenobit 1dc0.1 - 13140 lines of C, Assembly.
Zenobit 1dc0.2 - 16180 lines of C, Assembly.

And so begun the project of making _good_ code,
concise, minimal code ...

Zenobit 2dc0.0 - ~6k lines of C, Assembly.
Zenobit 3dc0.0 - ~4k lines of C, Assembly.
Amethyst 1dcA - ~2k lines of C, Assembly.


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:56 pm
by jgraef

My OS "meinOS" has about 20,000 lines of code. I guess without comments and blank lines it would has about 15,000 lines of code.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:56 pm
by suthers
Virginix has only 541 as I've only really recently started it seriously...
If you include linker scripts, batc file, etc... the figure increases to 574.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 4:40 pm
by froggey
Using Sloccount to count:

Code: Select all

SLOC    Directory       SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
18055   kernel          cpp=16807,asm=1248
8366    libraries       ansic=8007,asm=359
4259    drivers         cpp=4259
1975    applications    ansic=1940,asm=35
933     tools           ansic=516,sh=143,yacc=93,asm=85,lex=67,ruby=29

Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
cpp:          21066 (62.72%)
ansic:        10463 (31.15%)
asm:           1727 (5.14%)
sh:             143 (0.43%)
yacc:            93 (0.28%)
lex:             67 (0.20%)
ruby:            29 (0.09%)

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)                = 33,588
Please credit this data as "generated using David A. Wheeler's 'SLOCCount'."

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 1:11 pm
by Korona
Here are my stats: (including comments)
Kernel: 4k lines
Drivers: 2k lines
Toolchain (Assembler, Linker, Interpreter, Compiler, Jit-Compiler): ~34k (Self written as my os is written in a safe/bytecode language and uses a jit compiler to run applications; it had to be self written because my os won't support native applications (at least this is a very low priority task) and I want to be able to run the entire toolchain inside my os)

Most of the code is written in my own programming language (including the kernel and the virtual machine / jit compiler). Some code is java (an interpreter for my language and the source code -> bytecode compiler so that I can run the bytecode -> native compiler on a host operating system that supports java; java will be easy to support in my os as it is a bytecode language, too). Some hal functions are written in assembly.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 7:04 am
by fingerprint211b
Korona wrote:Here are my stats: (including comments)
Kernel: 4k lines
Drivers: 2k lines
Toolchain (Assembler, Linker, Interpreter, Compiler, Jit-Compiler): ~34k (Self written as my os is written in a safe/bytecode language and uses a jit compiler to run applications; it had to be self written because my os won't support native applications (at least this is a very low priority task) and I want to be able to run the entire toolchain inside my os)

Most of the code is written in my own programming language (including the kernel and the virtual machine / jit compiler). Some code is java (an interpreter for my language and the source code -> bytecode compiler so that I can run the bytecode -> native compiler on a host operating system that supports java; java will be easy to support in my os as it is a bytecode language, too). Some hal functions are written in assembly.
Ok, I'm officially amazed :shock: ...

Here are my statistics :
ansic: 323 (89.97%)
asm: 29 (8.08%)
sh: 7 (1.95%)
It's a small kernel (if I dare call it that) I'm working on for the purpose of learning assembly and improving my C. It's currently able to use VGA in 25x80 text mode (via accessing 0xb8000), and I'm trying to create multiple virtual terminals. But it can't get any input yet (I'll get on that a bit later) :)
It's not really going to be a real OS, I'm trying to make a bootable miniOS that will check hardware (eg. check if memory is working properly), since I'm a beginner. It will consist of nothing but the kernel, with built in functions for checking hardware, it won't have, or be able to call any external programs...
That part written in bash is a script that automates compiling, linking and then puts the binary (along with grub) on a floppy image, like the Bare Bones tutorial.