ASM System Time
Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:39 am
Hey, it's my first time back here in a long time, but hopefully I'll be on more often. Anyways, is there an easy to get the time from the bios using intel assembly? Thanks in advance.
Code: Select all
Second = 0x00
Minute = 0x02
Hour = 0x04
Day = 0x07
Month = 0x08
Year = 0x09
Century = 0x32
Code: Select all
mov dx, 0x70
mov al, IDX
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x71
in al, dx
Code: Select all
#define BCD2BIN(val) (((val) & 0x0F) + ((val) >> 4) * 10)
Code: Select all
mov dx, 0x70
mov al, 0x04
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x71
in al, dx
int 0x021
What is the int 0x21 there for?Bobalandi wrote:Which should return the hour, right? but nothing happened.Code: Select all
_get_time: mov dx, 0x70 mov al, 0x04 out dx, al mov dx, 0x71 in al, dx int 0x021 ret
Code: Select all
org 100h
segment .text
mov ah,01h ; from here to
mov cx,2000h ; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
int 10h ; here, hide's cursor(bios int's)
mov ah,2 ; get's the (bios int's)
int 1ah ; time in BCD , dl=0
push cx
push dx
pop eax
mov al,163
sub dl,160 ; gives c,c,nc,c,c,nc,c,nc+z
ja $+3 ; h h : m m : s s
rol eax,4 ; if jump is taken, we're in the middle of this.
push ax
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
pop ax
jne m1
mov al,13 ; CR to re-position cursor - looks crappy.
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
; mov ah,1 ; until key is pressed
; int 16h
; jz m0
mov ah,01h ; here to
mov cx,0d0eh ; ,,,,,,,,
int 10h ; here show cursor (bios int's)
Code: Select all
;; ;;
;; Project : DexOS ;;
;; Ver : 00.01 ;;
;; Author : Dex ;;
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;; Date : October 31, 2006 ;;
;; Filename : ;;
;; Assembler Command: ********** ;;
;; Copy Right Owners: Team DexOS (c)2002-2007 ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Team DexOS : 0x4e71, bubach, crc, Dex, hidnplayr, jas2o, Solidus ;;
;; : smiddy, tony(mac), roboman, viki. ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Disclaimer : ;;
;; This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either ;;
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;; In no event will the author's, distributor or any other party be liable to ;;
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;; ;;
; date ; fills vals with bcd date ;
; ;
; Input: ;
; none. ;
; Output: ;
; Puts bcd date in vals: ;
; century, year, month, day. ;
; (100%) ;
push ds es
mov al,32h ; RTC 32h
out 70h,al
in al,71h ; read century
mov [century],al
mov al,9 ; RTC 09h
out 70h,al
in al,71h ; read year
mov [year],al
mov al,8 ; RTC 08h
out 70h,al
in al,71h ; read month
mov [month],al
mov al,7 ; RTC 07h
out 70h,al
in al,71h ; read day
mov [day],al
pop es ds
; FloppyDate. ;
push es
push ds
mov ax,18h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
call date
xor bx,bx
mov dx,bx
mov ax,bx
mov al,[year]
call Bcd2Bin
add al,20
mov dx,ax
shl dx,4
mov al,[month]
call Bcd2Bin
and al,00001111b
add dl,al
shl dx,5
mov al,[day]
call Bcd2Bin
and ax,0000000000011111b
add dx,ax
mov [FddDate],dx
pop ds
pop es
; FloppyTime. ;
push es
push ds
mov ax,18h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
call time
xor bx,bx
mov dx,bx
mov ax,bx
mov al,[hour]
call Bcd2Bin
mov dx,ax
shl dx,6
mov al,[minute]
call Bcd2Bin
and al,00111111b
add dl,al
shl dx,5
mov al,[second]
shr al,1
call Bcd2Bin
and ax,0000000000011111b
add dx,ax
mov [FddTime],dx
pop ds
pop es
; prints date ; prints the date in text mode ;
; ;
; Input: ;
; none. ;
; Output: ;
; prints the date in text mode. ;
; (100%) ;
push es
mov esi,date_lable
call print_string
call date
mov al,[day]
call bcd_to_ASCII
mov bx,[val]
mov al,bl
call print_char
mov al,bh
call print_char
mov al,":"
call print_char
mov al,[month]
call bcd_to_ASCII
mov bx,[val]
mov al,bl
call print_char
mov al,bh
call print_char
mov al,":"
call print_char
mov al,[century]
call bcd_to_ASCII
mov bx,[val]
mov al,bl
call print_char
mov al,bh
call print_char
mov al,[year]
call bcd_to_ASCII
mov bx,[val]
mov al,bl
call print_char
mov al,bh
call print_char
pop es
; time ; fills vals with bcd time ;
; ;
; Input: ;
; none. ;
; Output: ;
; Puts bcd time in vals: ;
; hour, minute, second. ;
; (100%) ;
push ds es
mov al,4 ; RTC 04h
out 70h,al
in al,71h ; read hour
mov [hour],al
mov al,2 ; RTC 02h
out 70h,al
in al,71h ; read minute
mov [minute],al
xor al,al ; RTC 00h
out 70h,al
in al,71h ; read second
mov [second],al
pop es ds
; prints time ; prints the time in text mode ;
; ;
; Input: ;
; none. ;
; Output: ;
; prints the time in text mode. ;
; (100%) ;
push es
mov esi,time_lable
call print_string
call time
mov al,[hour]
call bcd_to_ASCII
mov bx,[val]
mov al,bl
call print_char
mov al,bh
call print_char
mov al,":"
call print_char
mov al,[minute]
call bcd_to_ASCII
mov bx,[val]
mov al,bl
call print_char
mov al,bh
call print_char
mov al,":"
call print_char
mov al,[second]
call bcd_to_ASCII
mov bx,[val]
mov al,bl
call print_char
mov al,bh
call print_char
pop es
; set time ; set's time from vals ;
; ;
; Input: ;
; Bcd time in vals. ;
; Output: ;
; Prints ERROR msg on error. ;
; (70%) ;
push ds es
mov bl,59h
mov al,[second]
call check_bcd_time ; check second number
mov al,[minute]
call check_bcd_time ; check minute number
mov bl,23h
mov al,[hour]
call check_bcd_time ; check hour number
xor al,al ; RTC 00h
out 70h,al
mov al,[second]
out 71h,al ; write second
mov al,2 ; RTC 02h
out 70h,al
mov al,[minute]
out 71h,al ; write minute
mov al,4 ; RTC 04h
out 70h,al
mov al,[hour]
out 71h,al ; write hour
jmp leave1
mov esi,time_error_msg
call print_string
pop es ds
; set date ; set's date from vals ;
; ;
; Input: ;
; Bcd date in vals. ;
; Output: ;
; Prints ERROR msg on error. ;
; (70%) ;
push ds es
mov al,[day]
mov bl,31h
or al,al ; day cannot be 0
jz date_error
call check_bcd_date ; check day number
mov bl,12h
mov al,[month]
or al,al ; month cannot be 0
jz date_error
call check_bcd_date ; check month number
mov bl,99h
mov al,[year]
call check_bcd_date ; check year number
mov al,[century]
call check_bcd_date ; check century number
mov al,7 ; RTC 07h
out 70h,al
mov al,[day]
out 71h,al ; write day
mov al,8 ; RTC 08h
out 70h,al
mov al,[month]
out 71h,al ; write month
mov al,9 ; RTC 09h
out 70h,al
mov al,[year]
out 71h,al ; write year
mov al,32h ; RTC 32h
out 70h,al
mov al,[century]
out 71h,al ; write century
jmp leave2
mov esi,date_error_msg
call print_string
pop es ds
; bcd_to_ASCII ;converts bcd number to ASCII ;
; ;
; Input: ;
; Bcd number in al. ;
; Output: ;
; ASCII number in val. ;
; (100%) ;
pusha ;start of convert
mov ah,al ;copy AL to AH
and ax,0f00fh ;mask bits
mov cl,4 ;CL=04 for shift
shr ah,cl ;shift right AH to get unpacked BCD
or ax, 3030h ;combine with 30 to get ASCII
xchg ah,al ;swap for ASCII storage convention
mov [val],ax ;store the ASCII value in VAL
; checks it a bcd number date ;
cmp al,bl
ja date_error
and al,0Fh
cmp al,9
ja date_error
; checks it a bcd number time ;
cmp al,bl
ja time_error
and al,0Fh
cmp al,9
ja time_error
; Bcd2Bin. ;
push bx
mov bl,0x0a
mov bh,al
shr al,4
mul bl
and bh,0x0f
add al,bh
pop bx
; Data. ;
time_lable: db " Time ",0
date_lable: db " Date ",0
val: dw 0,0
hour: db 0
minute: db 0
second: db 0
century: db 0
year: db 0
month: db 0
day: db 0
FddDate dw 0
FddTime dw 0