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Word 2007 users: Simple Macro Game

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:01 am
by AndrewAPrice
I've made a simple macro game in Word 2007. You basically walk a tiny red 'c' around a square map using the arrow keys. ALT+A resets/starts the game. ALT+Q returns to the title screen.

It has been a long time since I've touched BASIC (5+ years), and I wrote this all within the last 20 minutes.

Since Word 2007 (and presumably all versions of Word which support macros) can be nearly fully scripted through VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros, I am suprised to not have found much information about Word macro games. My example shows moving a simple character around the screen based on key events. However, using a timer object, you could create some form of real-time-ie-ness, and using the drawing objects you could create graphical images rather than ASCII images.

Given some time and dedication I am sure you could build a fairly decent 2D game framework (and possibly even an interactive ray-caster) using VBA.

Tell me what you think!

(Sorry non-Word 2007 and non-Windows users).

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:13 am
by Combuster
I am suprised to not have found much information about Word macro games.
People probably play pinball instead :twisted:
Given some time and dedication I am sure you could build a fairly decent 2D game framework (and possibly even an interactive ray-caster) using VBA.
Either you are a geek or you aren't. I already imagine myself playing pacman and eating all the text I previously wrote... :wink:

I'll shut up now.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:19 am
by Zacariaz
Combuster wrote:Either you are a geek or you aren't. I already imagine myself playing pacman and eating all the text I previously wrote... :wink:
Hmm, I imagine something like a webbaces Pacman game where you choose a random webpage and your goal of course is to eat all the characters as fast as possible while avoiding all the evil smileys trying to kill you :twisted:

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:41 pm
by AndrewAPrice
Zacariaz wrote:Hmm, I imagine something like a webbaces Pacman game where you choose a random webpage and your goal of course is to eat all the characters as fast as possible while avoiding all the evil smileys trying to kill you :twisted:
Is this a real game? I couldn't find any trace of it on google.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:51 pm
by Combuster
Two hints: