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M$ does Linux due to argument?

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:01 pm
by Touch
M$ have really gone crazy. After the name Lindows was sold for $20million after a court argument and now they say to make a Linux meaning M$ has become open-source?

M$ are really paranoid they fight with the guy about a domain name.
They decide to give $20million and to go opensource.

The richest computer company in the world..

What do you think?

I know this is old news.


Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:51 pm
by Schol-R-LEA
Microsoft has never announced any intention to release their own Linux distro. However, Oracle has announced their intention to do so, a move that seems to be aimed primarily at Red Hat, not MS; the high end database server market has long been dominated by RH, and it seems Ellison wants to go to a vertical-market strategy by cutting out the third party OS vendor.

Personally, I think a distro named 'Unbreakable Linux' being released by a company run by the one man in the industry more hated than Gates is just begging for every script kiddie and net.cromancer to try and bring it down. Hmmn, maybe it's a setup, perhaps Larry and Bill have gotten together with the intention of 'proving' Linux isn't secure by setting up a situation where it would be directly targetted by a large number of crackers. Naah, that's just paranoid...

OTOH, if you are referring to this... er, it's a joke. Really. Read through the whole page and you'll see a lot of clever but not particularly subtle jokes that make it clear that it isn't actually a Microsoft web site. I mean, c'mon, it has a quote from a bleedin' cartoon character on the front page (Greg from User Friendly)!

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:34 am
by Brendan
Schol-R-LEA wrote:Microsoft has never announced any intention to release their own Linux distro. However, Oracle has announced their intention to do so, a move that seems to be aimed primarily at Red Hat, not MS; the high end database server market has long been dominated by RH, and it seems Ellison wants to go to a vertical-market strategy by cutting out the third party OS vendor.
I don't think Oracle are going to do their own distribution. Instead they're intending to sell support for RedHat, so that people can download RedHat for free and then pay Novell or Oracle for support contracts.

