I agree with you sandeep, theres alot of hostility on the webs these days, I also feel its just as easy to be nice and say look read artcles x,y and z and if that doesnt help come back and ask again. I see on many forums people excessivly using RTFM just to troll/provoke a reaction to me RTFM is insulting and you would as well be saying go read the fuckin manual you stupid fuckin twat, Im better than you. I feel superiority putting you down
Ok promise no more bad language from me
but my point is its nice to be nice, you also get many saying ow but the same questions get asked over and over, personally I think within reason! big deal!(The sites getting hits and if the site was going down the pan and eventually know one was using it because of down right bad manners I'm sure site admins would be happy of the hits) If it becomes to excess an admin can deal with it and delete merge posts, + if you are polite to the person and explain what pre-reqs they must read, you have solved the problem in 99 of 100 cases, the person thinks highly of the site and they come back, the site gets bigger and better.
I wish people wouldn't be so dam critical online , to me community is all about good community spirit but unfortunately some sites are just full of hate and in some places members with more posts think that gives them a right to be-little people with less posts who are not in the community "cleek" (This is my experience from other places, I like to think that everyones members and we all have a duty to help each other when we can.See the difference in attitude? To me this is better for all but it doesnt work like that unfortunately)
I think STFW/RTFM are appropriate when someone comes onto a forum expecting to be "spoon-fed" all the information they want, and can't be bothered taking some time to Google or read up in the manual
To be fair though I can see the point here ^^ , my point is theres alot of alternate ways of helping someone and that being insulting gets used overly so much of the time however I totally respect what you are saying about people wanting spoonfed, there are however situations where certain things are just badly explained in manuals or details ommited/obscure in which case RTFM is unwarranted but will sometimes still be used regardless of the fact the person has read the manual + any recommended accompanying docs
Just to finally add, Zacariaz one of your posts on the second page regarding the wow analogy amongst other things
I agree with your sentiments.