devc1 wrote:BRUUUUV, WTF ??? Do you plan to use the slowest, most bloated and dumb language on earth to make an OS.
If you think that Python is slow and bloated, I hope you never end up working in Haskell, Smalltalk, or Prolog. Or even Eiffel, which despite being natively compiled for Windows is notorious for producing a 2 Megabyte "Hello, World!" which takes several seconds to run (though that was more about the specific compiler than about the language - other implementations do much better).
And yes, I know that this must seem rich coming from a Lisp Weenie such as myself, but despite the reputation generated by the innumerable interpreters out there, there do exist some high-performance Lisp compilers. Not that you would know it from, say, Dr. Racket...
But raw performance is not the be-all and end-all of programming. Having an expressive language with a rich library and features such as automatic memory management and support for OOP makes everyday programming much easier. While in theory, any Turing-complete language has the same computational power, in practice languages differ in expressivity - otherwise, specialized languages such as SQL wouldn't exists. Not every programming project needs to be done at the lowest level. Performance, like everything else, is about compromise. For its intended roles, Python does pretty well.
For that matter, C is far from the only "high-performance language". While C++, D, and Rust generally do come with some performance cost compared to C, what they bring to the table in terms of language features more than makes up for it to those using them. And there's even Forth, which is in a category of its own and doesn't really resemble anything else - despite being an interpreted language (sort of), it often outperforms much C code out there.
In any case, as has been said elsewhere, it is just as possible to write poorly performing code in C and assembly language as in any other language. Programming skill is a bigger factor in most cases than the implementation language is.