Re:starting off
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 6:43 am
so i shouldnt learn visual basic 6?
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(define dump-file
;; read in a file and print a dump of it.
(lambda (filename width height)
; display a number's ASCII value
(define display-char-value
(lambda (x)
(display (char-value (modulo x 256)))))
; display a character's hex value
(define display-hex-value
(lambda (x)
(let ((hexval (number->string (modulo x 256) 16)))
(if (> 2 (string-length hexval))
(display #\0))
(display hexval)
(display #\space)))))
;; display a line of character values
(define display-line-values
(lambda (dump)
(for-each display-char-value dump)))
;; display a line of hex values
(define display-line-dump
(lambda (dump)
(for-each display-hex-value dump)))
;; display a line of hex values followed by
;; a line of character values
(define display-line
(lambda (dump width)
(let* ((size (length dump))
(diff (- width size)))
(display-line-dump dump)
(if (> diff 0)
(do ((count diff (- count 1)))
((<= count 0))
(display #\space)
(display #\space)
(display #\space)
(display #\space)
(display #\:)
(display #\space)
(display-line-values dump)
;; read in a line of data
(define read-dump-line
(lambda (src width)
(let read-data ((count width))
(if (or (>= 0 count)
(eof-object? (peek-char src)))
(append (list (char->integer (read-char src)))
(read-data (- count 1)))))))
;; main function
(if (and (string? filename)
(> width 0)
(> height 0))
(let ((src (open-input-file filename)))
(if (null? src)
(let write-dump ((count height))
(display-line (read-dump-line src width) width)
(if (or (<= count 0)
(eof-object? (peek-char src)))
(close-input-port src)
(write-dump (- count 1)))))))
;; some support functions (usually in a spearate file)
(define hex->char
;; converts a character to a hex value
(lambda (x y)
(string->number (string x y) 16))))
(define char-symbolic?
;; returns #t if the character is a symbol, #f otherwise
(lambda (c)
(if (not (member c '(#\` #\~ #\! #\@ #\# #\$ #\% #\^ #\& #\* #\( #\)
#\- #\_ #\+ #\= #\\ #\|
#\[ #\{ #\] #\} #\; #\: #\' #\"
#\, #\< #\. #\> #\? #\/)))
(define char-printable?
;; returns #t if a character is printable, #f otherwise
(lambda (c)
(or (char-alphabetic? c)
(char-numeric? c)
(char-symbolic? c))))
(define char-value
;; takes a character and returns its integer value
;; returns a period if given an invalid value
(lambda (x)
(let ((c (integer->char x)))
(cond ((not (integer? x)) #\.)
((char-printable? c) c)
(else #\.)))))