Re:I want to learn Visual C++ 6.0, where should i start?
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 1:49 pm
can you make GOOD games with visual basic? i mean with qbasic the games suck!
The Place to Start for Operating System Developers
To clarify...Tom wrote: VC++ is C++.
VB is basic
Assembly is assembly ( i.e.:
mov si, 'Assembly Lanugage'
...some other code
int 21h)
Code: Select all
;;;; simple 'Hello World!" program in NASM
; written to be assembled as a DOS .com file
[BITS 16] ; generate 16-bit real-mode machine code
[ORG 0x0100] ; .com files alwasy begin at offset 100 hex
[SECTION .text] ; this indicates that it is a code section
mov dx, hellomsg ; copy a pointer to the beginning of hellomsg into register dx
mov ah, 9 ; pass the number of the DOS function to use
int 0x021 ; call DOS using interrupt 21 hex
mov ax, 0x04C00 ; This DOS function exits the program
int 0x021 ; and returns control to DOS.
[SECTION .data] ; this begins the data section
hellomsg db "Hello, World!", 0DH,0AH,'$' ; "Hello, World!" plus a carriage return and line feed
Oh, sure you can write a game in VC++; most Windows games are in C++ these days, in fact (though the really graphics-intensive ones use assembly language for the time-critical parts). It is not any easy language to learn, however; you will need to take some time practicing simple C and C++ programs before you tackle even a simple game like Tetris or Breakout. has a series of 'tutorials' (code examples, actually) ranging from the basics of C programming and DOS/Windows basics, up to high-powered DirectX and OpenGL hacking; the only problem is that they don't really explain any of what the code is doing, half the time. While the examples are generally good, you'd need a C text to understand them.Joey wrote: well wait a sec. a while ago i bought a kit called Game Programming Starter Kit 4.0 or something like that. it had visual c++ 6, a map editor, a sound thing, a model thing, and a whole bunch of crap. if i cant make a game with vc++ 6 then why would they put that in this kit?