Combuster wrote:Show me any functional language that matches the criterium (there are none as far as wikipedia goes) and a sample implementation of maths performed on 3D vectors, and I'll show you how state can be implemented in that language. After all, I have already demonstrated the general solution to the problem.
I don't care if you
can implement state. I know you
can- Haskell has the State monad, for example. That kind of state is just fine, because it doesn't hurt referential transparency or cause race conditions or "spooky action at a distance". That kind of state is not what functional programming is concerned with.
Neither the IO monad nor functional reactive programming are necessary for 3D vector math:
Code: Select all
-- fixed-size vectors
data Vec3 = Vec3 Int Int Int
dot (Vec3 x1 y1 z1) (Vec3 x2 y2 z2) = x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + z1 * z2
cross (Vec3 x1 y1 z1) (Vec3 x2 y2 z2) = Vec3 (y1 * z2 - y2 * z1) (x2 * z1 - x1 * z2) (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1)
-- arbitrary-sized vectors
dot a b = sum $ zipWith (*) a b
cross = -- not going to implement gram determinant here... you get the point
However, functional reactive programming
is useful to replace the IO monad. Instead of describing a sequence of actions, you describe the behavior of a program by composing other behaviors- the spaceship's position is the integral of its velocity, its velocity is 3 * (key_right - key_left); the window is two panes laid out horizontally, the first pane is a tree view with this or that backing data, etc. See
Reactive Extensions,
this example, and
Yes, yes, it's all stateful somewhere underneath blah blah blah. That's just a consequence of building computers as state machines- it would also be possible, if you wanted, to build a computer the same way as a reactive or dataflow program. In fact, that is the natural way to build electronic systems, until people start adding flip flops and such.
Brendan wrote:I do have a problem with "functional programming". Ask your grandmother how to make a cake. I can almost guarantee your grandmother will give you a list of steps ("make_cake() {put flour in a bowl; add eggs to the bowl; mix the ingredients; bake in oven; let cool; make_icing(); put icing on cake;}") with subroutines/procedures/functions ("make_icing() {put icing sugar in a bowl; boil water; put butter in bowl; put hot water in bowl; mix the ingredients;}". Imperative programming is the way humans naturally think. Functional programming requires strange and unnatural thought; and is therefore less suitable for languages intended to be used by humans (e.g. high level programming languages). Basically, imperative programming does have problems in certain areas (e.g. concurrency); but the "functional programming" solution is worse than the problems it tries to solve.
What a load of BS. This is the standard whiny fallback complaint from people who are stuck in the imperative programming
Of course your grandmother describes something procedurally when it's done by a single actor doing one thing at a time! That doesn't mean
everything is like that- for every example of something described well by imperative programming, I can come up with one that is described well by functional programming.
We've all written code that involves expressions. Expressions are just functional programming "leaking" into your imperative world. Take these two ways to align a pointer, for example: "p + (size - p % size)" and "mov ax, si; mov cx, $size; div cx; sub cx, dx; add si, cx". Which is more "natural"? Which is closer to what you
mean, or how you think? Which is easier to understand at a glance? Which is easier for a compiler to optimize with e.g. strength reduction?
How about spreadsheets? You don't write imperative programs to calculate sums, sort tables, or graph data. Instead, you simply enter data and its relationships with other data, as what is essentially a functional program. Would you really claim that spreadsheets are an unnatural way of thinking about things?
Like my FRP GUI example above, functional programming is also "leaking" in through declarative GUI description tools like WPF. Which is easier- describing a GUI as a hierarchy of widgets whose contents are based on values that vary over time (position of scrollbar, color in picker, position of mouse, contents of textbox/bitmap etc.), or describing a GUI by making a procedural list of calls to an API and then switching in an event loop, manually updating things like the current paintbrush color or whatever?
The existence of tools like regular expressions or lex and yacc is further evidence that functional programming is not "unnatural". Just describe the patterns that make up what you want to parse and (using expressions) what they represent in your internal representation, rather than manually incrementing a pointer and writing data to a chunk of memory.
For a non-programming example, think about how your grandma would describe her house. "It has a front porch with a rocking chair on the left, a front room with blue carpet and pictures of the grandkids on the walls, a kitchen through a door at the back with a stove, a sink, and a refrigerator..." A construction company could build a house with a description like that (albeit much more detailed)- blueprints aren't step-by-step instructions, they're
functional programming.