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Re: Noob question: why equ 1<<0 in barebones tutorial

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:25 am
by Solar
Casm wrote:I must admit that is what I would do. If it was some obscure bit like 27 there might be some point in doing it the other way, but up to about 0x200 I would just write 0x200.
There's where my obsessive-compulsive trait kicks in: If I do it for bit 27, I do it for bit 2 in exactly the same way. 8)

The alternative being writing the integer number plus comment.

Re: Noob question: why equ 1<<0 in barebones tutorial

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:37 pm
by CrypticalCode0
0xc0h or $0xC0 that is 11000000b in a bineary value or 196 decimal why, or did you mean the device at that address?