KotuxGuy wrote:-- Kate has indenting,syntax highlighting,and pretty much all the things an IDE has,except for integrated running/debugging.
From gedit's website:
Currently it features:
Full support for internationalized text (UTF-8)
Configurable syntax highlighting for various languages (C, C++, Java, HTML, XML, Python, Perl and many others)
Editing files from remote locations
File reverting
Print and print preview support
Clipboard support (cut/copy/paste)
Search and replace
Go to specific line
Auto indentation
Text wrapping
Line numbers
Right margin
Current line highlighting
Bracket matching
Backup files
Configurable fonts and colors
A complete online user manual
I didn't find anything which tells refactoring features in Kate, any database tools, gui designer or anything, so it seems to me that gedit and Kate have mostly same things in different package.
KDE bogs down my PC
What, KDE bogs but GNOME doesn't? Have GNOME developers really made radically more lightweight than KDE?
Last time I have messed with GNOME a computer which couldn't run KDE smoothly couldn't run GNOME and vice versa.