Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:30 pm
My driver interface, works really well on my OS, but as my OS is based on a games console type OS (eg: runs in ring0, nopaging), it would be little uses to most dev's here.
But any it may help, first the driver format is a relocatable format, it is first assembled as a obj file from a coff file, then i use a program i have written to output two files one the driver, the other the relocatable for that driver (eg: .dri and .rel).
This mean i can load the driver any where in memory, in my case its is loaded to top of ram, then the size of file plus any buffer etc, is subtracted from TopOf Ram size and now that is top of ram.
Next when you load a driver or module it detects its as such and as well as loading it to top of ram, it fills a module list with info. it also check if it is already loaded and gives a error message if it is.
Now the the driver is layout like this:
And the program to use it, may look like this:
Now the key thing here is the ModID which is used to id the driver, so let say we want a sound driver, the id might be some thing like "DEXSOUND" now anyone writing a sound driver for DexOS would use the label "DEXSOUND" for the module ID, no-matter which sound card they are writing a driver for, also ever soundcard would have the same function numbers for the standard sound driver functions(we per define these), plus you can add extra one's after the must have one's.
These driver's are auto load at startup form a .bat file and also they can be loaded at any time or unloaded.
This may seam low tec to a lot of dev's, but i like to keep things simple, it is also very fast.
Note: The above is a simple demo of the drver interface and does nothing, but print a massage.
But any it may help, first the driver format is a relocatable format, it is first assembled as a obj file from a coff file, then i use a program i have written to output two files one the driver, the other the relocatable for that driver (eg: .dri and .rel).
This mean i can load the driver any where in memory, in my case its is loaded to top of ram, then the size of file plus any buffer etc, is subtracted from TopOf Ram size and now that is top of ram.
Next when you load a driver or module it detects its as such and as well as loading it to top of ram, it fills a module list with info. it also check if it is already loaded and gives a error message if it is.
Now the the driver is layout like this:
Code: Select all
; Test module 25/08/07 ;
; By Dex. ;
; ;
; Here is a simple Module demo. ;
; Assemble like this: ;
; c:\fasm Test.asm Test.obj ;
format COFF
jmp ModRun ; jump to the start of program.
Signature db 'MOD1' ; We check it's a valid Module file.
ModID db 'DEX5UMOD' ; This the ID of the module.
SizeOfModule dd ModEnd ; This put at end of module.
ModLoadPtr dd ModLoad ; This is to run code on first load of module.
ModUnLoadPtr dd ModUnLoad ; This is to run code on unload of module.
ModNumberPtr dd 2 ; This is the number of functions.
pushad ; ************ [STARTUP CODE HERE] ************
push ds
push es
mov ax,18h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov edi,Functions ; this is the interrupt
mov al,0 ; we use to load the
mov ah,0x0a ; with the address to dex4u functions.
int 40h
mov esi,MsgModLoadOK
call [PrintString]
pop es
pop ds
ret ; This returns to the CLI/GUI
ModLoad: ; ************ [HERE IS CODE TO CALL FUNCTIONS] ************
push ds
push es
push eax
mov ax,18h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
pop eax
cmp ebx,[ModNumberPtr]
ja ModError
shl ebx,2
add ebx,ModFunctions
call dword[ebx]
jc ModError
pop es
pop ds
pop es
pop ds
ModUnLoad: ; ************ [UNLOAD MOD CODE HERE] ************
ServiceUnUsed: ; Unused function.
Service1: ; ************ [FIST FUNCTON CODE HERE] ************
mov esi,msgService1
call [PrintString]
Service2: ; ************ [SECOND FUNCTON CODE HERE] ************
mov esi,msgService2
call [PrintString]
; Start of code in module. ;
dd ServiceUnUsed ; Reserve the first one.
dd Service1 ; Points to first function.
dd Service2 ; Points to second function.
; Data. ;
MsgModLoadOK db 'Test2 module loaded',13,13,0
msgService1 db 'Hello from Service1!a',13,0
msgService2 db 'Hello from Service2!a',13,0
; BSS goes here. ;
align 4 ;-----+
Cut db '2CUT' ; These must be here
include '' ; Dex inc file
Code: Select all
ORG 0x400000 ; where our program is loaded to
jmp start ; jump to the start of program.
db 'DEX2' ; We check for this, to make shore it a valid Dex4u file.
; Start of program. ;
mov ax,18h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
; Get calltable address. ;
mov edi,Functions ; this is the interrupt
mov al,0 ; we use to load the
mov ah,0x0a ; with the address to dex4u functions.
int 40h
mov esi,ModID1
call [ModuleFunction] ; This is call to get apointer to the driver
jc LetsExit
mov [mod1],eax
mov ebx,1 ; Driver function number
call [mod1]
mov ebx,2
call [mod1]
call [WaitForKeyPress] ; Wait for key press
ret ; Exit.
; calltable include goes here. ;
mod1 dd 0
mod2 dd 0
ModID1 db 'DEX5UMOD' ; This the ID of the module.
include '' ; Dex inc file
These driver's are auto load at startup form a .bat file and also they can be loaded at any time or unloaded.
This may seam low tec to a lot of dev's, but i like to keep things simple, it is also very fast.
Note: The above is a simple demo of the drver interface and does nothing, but print a massage.