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Well Well ...

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:14 pm
by DeletedAccount
:lol: :lol: Well Well ... writing totally bug free non trivial software seems to be humanly impossible after all .... :oops:
No matter what qualifactions you have ...... :roll: :( :( :(

Re: Well Well ...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:55 pm
by mystran
SandeepMathew wrote::lol: :lol: Well Well ... writing totally bug free non trivial software seems to be humanly impossible after all .... :oops:
No matter what qualifactions you have ...... :roll: :( :( :(
I don't think writing a piece of software to be bug free is really the hard part. The hard part is keeping it that way when you have to maintain it... and the sad fact is, no matter how well you design something, you'll need to start making changes before it's really completely done.

With good modular design, and the hard parts proven before writing code, you can definitely end up with code where there are few or no bugs. But it's really really really hard to do that, unless you know beforehand everything that the code will ever have to do.