I can understand the point you are making and among all the fine lines between a hash table and a associative array I find that you are correct in that:
...an associative array maps arbitrarily typed objects to arbitrarily typed objects. found at
The definition represents the most pure form of a associative array. It is based on the fact that one part of the two parts that make a association has to be a key, hash, or numerical value which fits with a hash being a mathematical function.
Hash Table which has a algorithmic functionality.
Associative Array which has a structural functionality.
A associative array can be used as a hash table.
A hash table can be used as a associative array.
It would seem confusing to say that the hash
(the value) is entirely represented as a array, linked list, tree, or any other arbitrary type. A higher level of a associate array could map a arbitrary type such as a numerical value to a arbitrary type such as a null terminated string.
You could allow the structure and functionality of a associative array to be inherited by a hash table. If so you must allow the hash table to include the functionality of mapping one arbitrary object to another using the functionality of hashes which would be half okay for the apparent reason that you could call one of the two items that make the association a arbitrary type, but how else do you store a mathmatical result than with a number (or at least not to start adding complexity for no reason). Therefore the hash table has trouble inheriting the entire functionality of a associative array.
Of course if you flip the positions, then you can make it a lot less complex and more understandable, by saying that the functionality of a hash table is inherited by a associative array but not any structure, and to add that the functionality provided by the hash table provides a algorithmic functionality rather than a structural form or structural functionality.
Of course I wrote all that trying to prove you wrong and the best part is as I was writing it I ended up realizing that I myself was completely wrong. It was very amazing and I very much enjoyed the feeling of excitement as I started frantically looking back and forth between your words and mine trying to find that last little glimpse of hope that I was still correct in some insignificant technical way that could flaw your entire argument, but unfortunately I was wrong and you argument was as hard than trying to break concrete with my hands.