What's the best way to split a (base 10)string into bits

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What's the best way to split a (base 10)string into bits

Post by earlz »

I am making an infinite precision library, and I am wanting to be able to set the stored value to a value..simple right? well, the problem is that this string can contain more digits than an int..
this problem is easy to fix in hex, just count up how many digits is in an int, and split it up..but with decimal, 7 with only one digit takes up 3 bits, while 8 takes up 4...this causes problems, and I don't know of a good way to go about fixing them without hardcoding a lot of crappy crap...

anyone have any ideas?

btw I'm using C++
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Kevin McGuire
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

It is a little challenging to think about it, however it is quite possible.

// perform the binary equivalent in math to factor the binary number by ten.
ndecx = (decx<<3)+(decx<<1);

// multiply a number by 0-10
0 - zero
1 - x
2 - x<<1
3 - x<<1+x<<0
4 - x<<2
5 - x<<2+x<<0
6 - x<<2+x<<1
7 - x<<2+x<<1+x<<0
8 - x<<3
9 - x<<3+x<<0
10 - x<<3+x<<1

This (above) operation will multiply any binary number by ten. What you might want to do is start with the (below) and use the shifts and adds to multiply the place value by ten. Then, multiple this place value by the arbitrary numbers 0-9 to produce a result and then add this result to the total (which should start at zero).

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	binaryBaseObject.FromInt(1); /// just get things started.
	// or : binaryBaseObject.Clear(); binaryBaseObject.SetBit(0);
	for(x = 0; myDecimalString[x]; ++x){
		myDecimalObject.FromInt(myDecimalString[x] - '0');
		// put current place value into a tmp
		binaryResultObject = MyBinaryAdd(MyBinaryShiftLeft(binaryPlaceValueObject, a),MyBinaryAdd(MyBinaryShiftLeft(binaryPlaceValueObject, b), MyBinaryShiftLeft(binaryPlaceValueObject, c)));
		binaryTotal = MyBinaryAdd(binaryTotalObject, binaryResultObject);
		binaryPlaceValueObject = MyBinaryAdd(MyBinaryShiftLeft(binaryPlaceValueObject,3), MyBinaryShiftLeft(binaryPlaceValueObject,1));
There might be a more streamlined way to do it. I will have to think about it for a little while.
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Post by earlz »

That is just a bit hard to understand for some reason..I read it like 5 times, and just now really understand basically how it should work..

my best idea is to get the digits, add there digit number type thing to them... and then add that digit using my binary add()

like for 921
it'd be split into 1, 20, and 900, and each of these would be added using temporary stuff or something...I really don't know..
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

You could do your math in base-65535 which should make the math a lot faster and overflow detection easy instead of using base-0xffffffff.

I have written a program that uses a class called LargeNumber. It does math using base-65535 and supports as large of a number as memory and (*hint*) time will allow.

I have tried to test it throughly, but you know sometimes bug do not surface however it is about as simple as I can make it.

One of the interesting features and problems is that if you had a four megabyte number which is huge; and you wanted to perform some math on it you would create another number which is almost just a huge such as:


So that if a and b are thirty-two million bit numbers then c would need to be at least a thirty-two million bit number.


So you might think well I can add numbers that two gigabytes in size, but this would be incorrect since the result would need to be two gigabyte and the two operands are already filling the entire four gigabyte space.
(Just some information for thought.)

Also in some cases things such as:

LargeNumber a, b;
a = b

Can be very costly compared to the seemly innocent.

unsigned int a, b;
a = b;

To combat this problem is needed.

LargeNumber a, b;

This is the same as (a=b), except b is now zero so its the same as (below) when using a built-in type.

unsigned int a, b;
a = b; b = 0; /// ----> a.Eat(b);

Except there is no memory coping performed.

The class structure looks like this:

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class LargeNumber{
	unsigned int	 dcount;
	tNumBlock 	 *nblock;
	static void Add(LargeNumber &a, LargeNumber &b, LargeNumber &c);
	static void Mul(LargeNumber &a, LargeNumber &b, LargeNumber &c);
	void SetDigit(unsigned int index, unsigned short value);
	unsigned short GetDigit(unsigned int index);
	unsigned int GetDigitCount(void);
	void From(const char *s);
	void Clear(void);
	void Eat(LargeNumber &a);
Here is the code so you might view.
http://kmcguire.jouleos.galekus.com/dok ... er_program
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

I forgot to mention that I convert the base10 number using:

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void LargeNumber::From(const char *s){
	unsigned int x;
	LargeNumber input, result;
	LargeNumber base, factor10;
	base.SetDigit(0, 1);
	factor10.SetDigit(0, 10);

	for(x = strlen(s); x > 0; --x){
		input.SetDigit(0, s[x-1]-'0');
		LargeNumber::Mul(base, input, result);
		LargeNumber::Add(*this, result, *this);
		/// Increase by place value... 1..10...100...1000....10000...100000...
		LargeNumber::Mul(base, factor10, base);
I maintain base to provide the place value, and multiply it with the input from the string using the internal math routines. This also helps maintain the math in a sixteen-bit base.

// a to the power of eight.
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Post by earlz »

wow...16bit base...that just doesn't sound fun...

If computers work at a binary level, then would binary number emulation work best?
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Binary Math Emulation Is Efficent?

Post by Kevin McGuire »

You let the processor do the conversion to binary, because although a computer fundamentally does math in binary it does not expose this binary bit access to the programmer directly in a whole. Instead it exposes digits in the base of 256, 65535, and 4294967295 with the instruction set.

You can think of a digit in the base of 65535 as having sixteen binary bits, but you have no direct access to this instead you can use binary operations but not binary read/write operations to deduce what bit has been set or not (or set a bit or not).

For example a Little-Indian and Big-Indian processor will make you're code in C/C++ run the same unless you try to perform bit level manipulations using binary operations which is a example of this bit access not being exposed to the programmer; and also not exposed in machine code in whole.
^ Note: The above could be slightly incorrect as I have no real experience in dealing with these matters. ^

unsigned short a = SetBits(1000.0100.1100.0011, ...blah..);

Why should you have to set all those bits when the processor can do it for you?

unsigned short a = 0x84C3;

Why should you add in binary a and b when the processor can do it for you?

unsigned short a = 0x84C3;
unsigned short b = 0x9282;

result = a + b;

Using GetBit and SetBit on a and b one at a time is slow and tedious for adding them together (emulating binary) when the entire addition could be solved in one machine instruction instead of over twenty.

I would have chosen to use a thirty-two bit base, but it makes it difficult to detect a overflow with out resorting to some assembler code.

0xFFFF+0xFFFF = 0x1FFFE.

A 0x1FFFE will not overflow the register or thirty-two bit location. This allows me to check if a overflow occurred with:

if(c > 0xFFFF)
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Re: Binary Math Emulation Is Efficent?

Post by urxae »

Kevin McGuire wrote:You let the processor do the conversion to binary, because although a computer fundamentally does math in binary it does not expose this binary bit access to the programmer directly in a whole. Instead it exposes digits in the base of 256, 65535, and 4294967295 with the instruction set.
Off-by-one errors. You probably mean base 256, 65536, and 4294967296 (Hint: powers of 2 (larger than 1) aren't odd numbers :)).
For example a Little-Indian and Big-Indian processor
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Post by Brynet-Inc »

That's always funny.. People keep spelling Endian incorrectly.. 8)
Twitter: @canadianbryan. Award by smcerm, I stole it. Original was larger.
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Post by earlz »

Well, I did some work and thinking and figured out how to add any base on paper, so I might actually convert to 8bit arithmetic...

thing I can't figure out is how to do subtraction...(in any base but 10)
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Post by Brendan »

hckr83 wrote:Well, I did some work and thinking and figured out how to add any base on paper, so I might actually convert to 8bit arithmetic...

thing I can't figure out is how to do subtraction...(in any base but 10)
Instead of subtracting, change the sign of one number and add them. For example:

X = A - B

Is the same as:

X = A + (-B);


-X = (-A) + B

You'll see why this last one matters soon.... ;)

The algorithm you're probably looking for goes a bit like this:

Code: Select all

NUMBER *addNumbers(firstNumber, secondNumber) {
    NUMBER *newNumber;
    int digit;
    signed int temp;
    unsigned int carry = 0;
    NUMBER *tempNumber;
    signed char relationship;


    // Make sure exponents are the same

    while(firstNumber->exponent > secondNumber->exponent) {
        if(firstNumber's digits can be shifted left) {
            shift firstNumber's digits left;
            decrease firstNumber->exponent;
        } else {
            shift secondNumber's digits right;   // Possible precision loss!
            increase secondNumber->exponent;
    while(secondNumber->exponent > firstNumber->exponent) {
        if(secondNumber's digits can be shifted left) {
            shift secondNumber's digits left;
            decrease secondNumber->exponent;
        } else {
            shift firstNumber's digits right;   // Possible precision loss!
            increase firstNumber->exponent;

    if(firstNumber->sign == secondNumber->sign) {

        // We can add the digits

        newNumber->sign = firstNumber->sign;
        for(digit = 0; digit < totalDigits; digit++) {
            temp = firstNumber[digit] + secondNumber[digit] + carry;
            if(temp < BASE) {
                newNumber[digit] = temp;
                carry = 0;
            } else {
                newNumber[digit] = (temp - BASE);
                carry = 1;
        if(carry != 0) {
            shift newNumber's digits right;   // Possible precision loss!
            increase newNumber->exponent;
            newNumber[totalDigits - 1] = 1;
        return newNumber;

    } else {

        // We need to subtract the digits

        relationship = compareNumbers(firstNumber, secondNumber);
        if(relationship == 0) {
            // Both numbers have same magnitude and different signs so the answer is zero
            return newNumber;
        if(relationship > 0) {
            // FirstNumber has larger magnitude than secondNumber, so sign of newNumber = sign of firstNumber
            newNumber->sign = firstNumber->sign;
        } else {
            // FirstNumber has smaller magnitude than secondNumber, so:
            //  1) newNumber has same sign as secondNumber
            //  2) swap the numbers to make things easier later
            newNumber->sign = secondNumber->sign;
            tempNumber = firstNumber;
            firstNumber = secondNumber;
            secondNumber = tempNumber;
        newNumber->sign = secondNumber->sign;

        // Now we're subtracting a smaller number from a larger number!

        for(digit = 0; digit < totalDigits; digit++) {
            temp = firstNumber[digit] - secondNumber[digit] - carry;
            if(temp >= 0) {
                newNumber[digit] = temp;
                carry = 0;
            } else {
                newNumber[digit] = temp + BASE;
                carry = 1;
        // Note: Carry always = 0 here because we subtracted smallest from largest
        return newNumber;

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