hey I've made a flash video so I'm going to share it with you guys
it's at http://jouleos.galekus.com/random.swf or if you don't have flash(openbsd) then I have http://jouleos.galekus.com/random.gif
btw no it's not suppose to make sense(also does anyone like how I drew it?)
if anyone has a flash video(thats not hello world) they made themselves then could they please post it, I want to see more "minority" flash videos
My random video!!
Of all the random videos I've seen, that one is among the most random. Haha.
I prefer Flash 8 because it has advanced tweening controls and many improvements over older versions. This is very helpful when animating long videos and creating Web sites. So far Flash 9 and ActionScript 3.0 are shaping up to be pretty good too.
I prefer Flash 8 because it has advanced tweening controls and many improvements over older versions. This is very helpful when animating long videos and creating Web sites. So far Flash 9 and ActionScript 3.0 are shaping up to be pretty good too.