You are using another application. At my school it isn't allowed to use firefox portable, althought the system admins do admit firefox is safer than internet explorer.
and my point was that they cannot prevent you from using it, nor would they know if you did
you are
using another application, but you are not
installing another application
most likely, they dont care if you use firefox portable, but they dont want you to use firefox (because firefox is installed on the computer) but firefox portable will not make any difference to the school at all because no change is made to the computer
that is why i use firefox portable on customers computers -- because it makes no change to the computer, it doesnt affect my customers at all when i use it
firefox portable
is not the same as firefox they are separate programs, portable is written specifically to make no changes to the computer, and operate exclusivly from a flash drive without any installation (normal firefox will not run without installation) -- exactly for this reason: so that it can be used on computers where you are not permitted to install any programs
im not saying there arnt places where you couldnt use it, and i would never suggest using it if it was not allowed, but if the rule says you cannot install applications, or you cannot install firefox, then using firefox portable is
not in violation of that rule