Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations ?

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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by Gigasoft »

Oh My God, My first time with a sleep paralysis hypnopompic halucination was at age 14 too !
Are you even listening? You don't believe that seizures are a real thing? People die from this without warning. You can have a cardiac arrest, or most commonly you just stop breathing. Fine, don't see a doctor then, watch your brain get fried to the point of no repair and prove Darwin right.
There are also christian,jew,hindu... terrorists and serial killers so you can't say about jews,christians,hindus, muslims or whatever that they are all bad because of some people.
I am obviously not talking of serial killers etc. that happen to believe some thing or another. My post was about concerted, systemized efforts by entire communities to kill people based on some perceived slight against their religious rules. For example, the girl in Nigeria was killed and her school burned down for complaining about their disruption of study groups with religious spam. When I was nearly killed, it wasn't a terrorist doing it, it was the city's entire muslim population after some idiot found it funny to push one of them and then accuse me of being the one who did it.
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by devc1 »

Thanks for your reply, I will check for that.

And sorry for what happened, there really are some very bad communities in our world however just like I do, I am just searching and trying to find the truth ! I got mad from the lies they tell us in our childhood --

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