SiliconOS wrote:I'm trying use C++ to write the OS
In that case you can find the C++ example kernel
here, mykernel/cpp
SiliconOS wrote:I don't have any servers.
What kind of servers are you talking about? There are no servers involved in this.
SiliconOS wrote:So, it might be more and more harder build x86_64 elf on Windows
FreePascal can generate both ELF and PE on both Linux and Windows systems. For C++ you could use LLVM CLang, that can generate both ELF and PE on both Linux and Windows. Otherwise for GNU gcc you'll need a cross-compiler. Try
MSYS2, it can install many different compilers for you, gcc cross-compilers included. Or use WSL.
SiliconOS wrote:My hopes are a CLI, have a shell(hpsh-hyperon shell)
Not so long ago it was a GUI. You can do both, GUI and a CLI, and it doesn't matter in which order you implement those. For a CLI, you probably want to implement a
VT100 emulator first, then a shell. For GUI, see
GUI first, and then when you have a windowing system, you can emulate VT100 in a window, and run the same shell in that.
Maybe you should start with the
basics (that page explains the difference between GUI, CLI and shell), and it would worth reading the
beginner mistakes too.
kzinti wrote:Very confusing.
Agreed. Looks like the OP doesn't know what they want.