Win98 version of Linux Console
Win98 version of Linux Console
This thing's giving me the hardest time. I'm looking for something like MsDos Shell in Windows, but with these Linux console features: the autocompleting of a command by pressing Tab, cycling through the history of commands with cursor up and inline editing instead of inline overwriting. I was wondering if anybody knew of such a thing, since Google's giving out loads of junk, but nothing that could be the slightest bit helpful.
Re:Win98 version of Linux Console
Wooohooo! Exactly what I was looking for, except the user-thingy. It'd be perfect to just accept the dos-commands, but with those features added. *Shrugs* This's just as well pretty damn useful. Now to see how I can get my version of Mplayer to work in it...
Re:Win98 version of Linux Console
MSYS, combined with MingW32 is also nice. Offers a similar shell with commands, plus the mingw32 compiler. afaik afaik