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Joined: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:18 am


Post by pdurlej »

XENUS 5.1 has been released.

See http://www.durlej.net/xenus for details.

New features include a shared libc and binary compatibility with Robert Nordier's port of Version 7 Unix (http://www.nordier.com/v7x86/). Some V7/x86 binaries are included in the XENUS distribution, in the /usr/ubin directory. Minix binary compatibility is retained (with slight improvements), as well as the XENUS native ABI.

The libc is currently only shared on disk, each process has a separate copy in main memory.

Also, I have decided to either take a break from or quit OS development. Therefore, bug reports are welcome, but I don't promise to fix anything. If there are significant bugs reported in the next few days, I may choose to release version 5.1.1, though.
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