I'm currently writing a MBR, it contains a function to copy some sectors of the disk to the RAM and I decided to pass the parameters to this function by pushing them onto the stack but when I
Code: Select all
as -o mbr.elf mbr.s
I can't figure out why they are not supported and how to fix this, can you help me ?
Here is the code of the MBR :
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.code16 /* CPU is in 16 bits real mode */
/* MBR code is loaded at 0x7C00 by the BIOS */
mov $0x07C0, %ax
mov %ax, %ds
/* Stack grows downward from 0x80000 */
mov $0x8000, %ax
mov %ax, %ss
mov $0x00, %sp
movb %dl, (drive) /* Save drive number */
/* Copy second sector to 0x500 */
push %dl /* Drive number */
mov $0x01, %al
push %al /* Copy 1 sector */
mov $0x0500, %ax
push %ax /* Copy to 0x500 */
mov $0x02, %al
push %al /* Sector 2 */
mov $0x00, %al
push %al /* Head 0 */
push %al /* Cylinder 0 */
call copy
jmp end
/* ----------------------- Copy function --------------------------
Copies some sectors to RAM. Push arguments on stack
in this order:
+ Drive number (byte)
+ Number of sectors to copy (byte)
+ Address of copy (word)
+ First sector CHS address as :
- Sector (byte)
- Head (byte)
- Cylinder (byte)
------------------------------------------------------------------- */
pop %al /* Cylinder */
mov %al, %ch
and $0xFF, %ch
pop %dh /* Head */
shr 2, %al
and $0xC0, %al
pop %cl /* Sector */
or %al, %cl
pop %ax /* Address */
mov %ax, %bx
shr 4, %ax
sub %ax, %bx
mov %ax, %es
pop %al /* Number of sectors */
pop %dl /* Drive number */
mov $0x02, %al
int $0x13
.byte 0x00
/* Code space padding */
.skip 446 - (. - start), 0x90
/* Partition table */
.skip 0x40, 0x00
/* Signature */
.byte 0x55, 0xAA
PS: Is this the proper way to pass parameters to a function ?