Upon executing this instruction, the computer seems to read the sector Windows 95 is getting at (the disk activity light blinks) but then the computer immediately freezes, acting as though it hit a HLT with IF=0. An image of the laptop screen with the debugger running is attatched.AX=0201 BX=0700 CX=0001 DX=0080 SP=7BD2 BP=7C00 SI=7BD2 DI=052D
DS=0000 ES=0000 SS=0000 CS=0000 IP=7D6C NV UP DI PL NZ NA PO NC
0000:7D6C CD13 INT 13
Edit: Board will not let me post the image, apparently max file size is 64KiB
Edit Edit: Uploaded in PNG form.
Edit Edit Edit: Says PNG is inavlid.