bluemoon wrote:Combuster wrote:Removing root is certainly a fix for a lot of things.
user root
I think you somehow need to retain the "root" or administrator account to grant permission to other users (or apps).
However I do agree the system should block root user for all other activities, including executing program.
As long as at least 1 person on the machine has the same privileges as the traditional root user, I agree that there doesn't need to be one. Perhaps adding a new 'admin' group. One thing that is really annoying is when I accidentally run a program as root and it creates a bunch of files with root ownership. It's a pain in the @$$ to take ownership back one-by-one.
There's also been quite a few times that I've had to run gparted to format an sd card or usb stick, and because gparted requires root privileges to run, it [root] takes ownership of the entire device.
When I say "accidentally run as root", I don't mean like, "ohshit, I typed 'sudo' and my password by accident!", the problem I'm talking about can best be explained by the 'sudo sandwich in my "barebones in monodevelop" topic.
Code: Select all
echo "Sudo sandwich is icky, but MonoDevelop must run in user mode."
sudo -p "[sudo] password to setup /usr/bin/gcc: " $0 setup
sudo -p "[sudo] password to reset /usr/bin/gcc: " $0 reset
You need root to modify /usr, but you can't run the entire script as root because then monodevelop gives ownership of your projects to root.