Rew wrote:looks really nice. This is exactly what I was looking for when I started OSdev. I'm assuming it has mixed language support for c and asm files. Does it support any other languages? Does it have intellisense? What did you use for the parser, or is that homebrew as well?
It supports ASM/C/C Header (C Headers are treated as normal C code but compiled first) (right now though I'm having issues linking C/ASM together. It doesnt have intellisense.
As for the parser (if you mean syntax highlighter), I'm using SyntaxBox (
Rew wrote:
as far as debugging, i have used gdb support in qemu to implement a debugger. You could in theory implement a full debugging experience. Atleast for the gcc compiled stuff. i'm not sure of the debug output available from nasm.
I've an emulator class which exposes debugging like functions which interact with the GDP from Qemu (i'm still playing with it at the moment)
Rew wrote:
I had started on my own ide like you did and ended up doing the approach of prviding a visual sudio package for my "ide" environment. The leanring curve is fairly steep and the documentation is sparse, but I ended up with the ide experience I was looking for and can focus solely on the functional (not ui) aspects. The downside of this approach is it ultimately makes it more difficult to host in my os down the road.
What do you mean by VS package? if you mean like a plugin for VS, I won't be doing that. It's completely standalone (providing you have .Net 2.0 installed)
Rew wrote:
Caution: it is easy to get tied up in ide/toolkit development. My os development has been on halt for over a year as I built an assembler, linker, and debugger to support the development experience I wanted
Addicting right? I might just make it open source and let everyone contribute so I don't have to focus on it too much.
I'm not going in-depth with it and developing my own linker/compiler/debugger though, i'm using GCC/NASM for the compiler, GNU Linker (ld.exe) for the linker and Qemu for the emulator (possibly debugger)