- kputc
- kputs
- kprintf (including support for everything, except multibyte format strings and floating point output)
- strtol
Download of v0.1 is available over at http://pdclib.rootdirectory.de, or here for a direct link. Check out the header file for a more detailed description.
Note that I haven't tested the code, since I don't have any Bochs / Qemu available ATM. It compiles, and it is 99% identical to the code in PDCLib v0.5, so I don't expect much trouble - but you never know.
Instead of delaying the upload until I find the time to set up a Bochs and test it thoroughly, I thought I'd do the Microsoft thing for a change, and throw the code at you lot to figure out the bugs. (Mind you, the printf() itself is sound and well-tested. It's just the kputc() doing all the "navigation" on the 80x25 screen that might have a bug or two, since it's obviously written from-scratch.)
Have fun.