Design new OS what are prerequistes to look for

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Design new OS what are prerequistes to look for

Post by chaps555 »


i want to design an os what should be the prerequistes i should have to look for before developing it.



Re:Design new OS what are prerequistes to look for

Post by Dex4u »

First ask yourself why you are making a OS, as this will dictate, what you need to know and direction.

Re:Design new OS what are prerequistes to look for

Post by guest »

Here's the best list of recommended minimal knowledge for a standard C/C++ 32bit kernel/system I could think of:
* Know a low level language like C/C++, be fluent in its syntax (doesn't matter about the runtime library, just the language constructs, knowing the runtime requirements are handy as well) - if you're an ASM lover than you can't get much lower than that
* Understand how memory is layed out and accessible to the system (ie. pointers, indifference between code and data, pointer and integer interchangability)
* Familiarise yourself strongly with the compiler you'll be using (usually GCC), ie. get a good grasp of the language specific and general compiler flags as you'll need this to produce kernel code without unwanted additives
* Familarise yourself with the linker (usually Binutils' LD), ie. how to write link scripts and it's basic command line options
* Develop at least a minimal working knowledge of assembly (AT&T syntax is preferable for GCC but you can use Intel if you prefer), just the basic instructions should be fine [MOV, JMP, CALL, conditional jumps, OR, AND, XOR, CMP, ... and the names of all the registers and their purposes]
* Get a copy of the x86/AMD64 system programmer's docs, you should probably look through all of it, but at the least read the stuff on paging and look for things you don't understand in the contents or index
* Patience [Your OS will likely not look pretty or do anything useful for a long time]
* Enjoy programming [If you're just trying to make Windows v2 then you will likely loose interest very quickly]

All the points except the last two can be picked up reasonably quickly by reading some language tutorials, looking at lists of assembly instructions, reading the GCC man page, looking at some example kernels and some experimentation.

Re:Design new OS what are prerequistes to look for

Post by REV »

Yeah those are good pointers.
I would also get an ANSI C/C++ compiler if your going to be writing in C/C++. Its good for protiblity. I'm currently using Watcom but any one is good as long as it can make OBJ files.

Re:Design new OS what are prerequistes to look for

Post by earlz »

why did you post in general programming instead of OS development
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