C question: message passing

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C question: message passing

Post by conlonloi »

I am trying to write a few system call for message passing
the saveMsg system call takes parameters of message ID, length and content
so Im trying to use a struct Msg that contain long ID, long length, and char msg
so where should I save the data for all of the messages I saved so that the retrieveMsg system call can get the content of the message by ID?

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Re: C question: message passing

Post by Combuster »

Do not switch browser tabs or windows, do not grab a book. Name at least 6 data structures. List their operations and how well they perform. Explain for each unique operation why it is relevant for your task or not.

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Re: C question: message passing

Post by bluemoon »

Since this is an OS development forum and you mentioned system calls; I assume your question is non-trivial. Can you state more on your requirement?

For example, at what level the message passing interface works?
Within an multi-threaded application or inter-process communication?
Support message priority?
Should it affect scheduling?
Does it enforce a fixed size payload or is it dynamic, and have a certain size limit?

It can actually get quite complicated when you integrate with scheduler and memory manager; on the other hand, it is very simple to implement a plain message queue as a library function.
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Re: C question: message passing

Post by Casm »

conlonloi wrote:Hi,
I am trying to write a few system call for message passing
the saveMsg system call takes parameters of message ID, length and content
so Im trying to use a struct Msg that contain long ID, long length, and char msg
so where should I save the data for all of the messages I saved so that the retrieveMsg system call can get the content of the message by ID?

Build a linked list of saved messages, sorted numerically if necessary. Allocate memory for them one at a time, ten at a time, or whatever seems reasonable (assuming you have a memory manager, which I think should be one of the first things you write).
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Re: C question: message passing

Post by nulik »

conlonloi wrote:Hi,
I am trying to write a few system call for message passing
the saveMsg system call takes parameters of message ID, length and content
so Im trying to use a struct Msg that contain long ID, long length, and char msg
so where should I save the data for all of the messages I saved so that the retrieveMsg system call can get the content of the message by ID?

I don't know what exactly you are coding, but if you need brief intro about messages check this:
and if you need an in deep study check out these:
"User-Level Interprocess Communication for Shared Memory Multiprocessors (1991)"
http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/sum ... .1.17.1382
it is old but frequently cited by many OS developers
here is another one:
Now, about this one, it is sponsored by Microsoft, and developed by a lot of gurus, but when they released the OS code it was slow , and (i think) it is because they don't use shared memory but pass large messages.

You could also search for keywords adding 'pdf' to your query and it will find a lot of messaging implementations of other people, some of them state of the art.
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