altough I have one problem, I have this make file
Code: Select all
all : clib.a kernel.bin
clib.a :
make -C clib
kernel.bin :
make -C kernel
clean :
make -C clib clean
make -C kernel clean
so to my problem, if I compile a kernel and the clib my writing make at the root dir it will not recompile source files that have been updated after last compile time so I have to clean and rebuild everything or manually go into the clib/kernel dir and write make in the respective source directory where the changes are made and then the updated sourcefiles will recompile and linked to a new updated kernel/clib.
So my question is WHY do I have to manually enter the clib/kernel dir and write make there to recompile updated sources, have I missed something in the "main" makefile
Then I have another question, is it positible to define my CFLAGS to use in the "main" Makefile and then they will be used if not new CFLAGS are defined in subdir makefiles?